Predloga:Navpolje Ozvezdje/dok
![]() | To je dokumentacijska podstran za glavno stran Predloga:Navpolje Ozvezdje. Namenjena je shranjevanju navodil, kategorizaciji in drugi vsebini, ki ni del glavne strani. |
{{Navpolje Ozvezdje}} je splošna navigacijska predloga s fiksnimi skupinami, ki temeljijo na predlogi {{Navpolje}} in uporabljajo {{Hlist}} format. To navpolje je oblikovano zaradi usklajene oblike in porazdelitve skupin glede na razrede astronomskih teles in dogodkov in se lahko uporabi v navpoljih za 88 modernih ozvezdij, ki jih je prepoznala Mednarodna astronomska zveza (IAU). Te skupine so urejene v vrstnem redu: zvezde, eksoplaneti, zvezdne kopice, meglice, galaksije, jate galaksij in astronomski dogodki. Vključene so tudi podskupine. V tej predlogi se uporablja se štirinajst {{#if:}}
in tri {{#ifexist:}}
parser funkcije.
[uredi kodo]S parametri za osnovne skupine
S parametri za razširjene skupine
Z vsemi parametri
[uredi kodo]Skupine
[uredi kodo]To navpolje uporablja predlogo {{Navpolje}} z above
in below
skupino, ki se porabljata za povezovanje na sorodne članke in osnovne kategorije povezane z ozvezdjem. Osnovno telo predloge je razdeljeno na deset glavnih skupin, od katerih je devet neobveznih in se jih lahko izpusti. Edina obvezna skupina se uporablja za seznam zvezd. Izmed preostalih v glavnih skupinah jih je šest del "osnovnih skupin", ki so child
navpolje skupine – to so skupine za eksoplanete, zvezdne kopice, meglice, galaksije, jate galaksij in astronomske dogodke. Glave skupine so obarvane #ddddff
tako da ustrezajo običajnim barvam skupin v navpolju. Preostale tri skupine so del "razširjenih skupin" in lahko tako kot obvezna skupina za zvezde vsebujejo lastne child
skupin. Navodila kako uporabljati osnovne in/ali razširjene skupine se nahajajo v poglavju "Uporaba" spodaj.
[uredi kodo]Uporaba wikipovezav na New General Catalogue v podnaslovih razširjenih skupin za jate galaksij, meglice, in galaksije so določene z dvema {{#if:}}
parserskima funkcijama – prvi deaktivira wikipovezavo na New General Catalogue v skupini za meglice, če je nastavljen scluster_ngc
parameter, in drugi deaktivira wikipovezavo v skupini za galaksije, če sta aktivni scluster_ngc
in/ali nebulae_ngc
. To je uporabno zaradi preprečevanja podvajanja wikipovezav.
[uredi kodo]"constellation" in "related"
[uredi kodo]Parameter constellation
poimenuje predlogo in zagotovi wikipovezavo na ozvezdje izbrano v naslovu predloge, in določi ustrezno kategorijo v nogi predloge. Potrebno je le v ta parameter vnesti ime ozvezdja. Na ta način predloga avtomatsko poveže članek o ozvezdju in kategorijo tudi če v svojem imenu vsebuje "(ozvezdje)"; uporablja tri {{#ifexist:}}
parserske funkcije. Na primer, vnos "Vodnar" namesto"Vodnar (ozvezdje)", in "Lev" namesto "Lev (ozvezdje)". Parameter related
podvoji parameter above
iz predloge {{Navpolje}}, ter se v tem primeru uporablja za seznam sorodnih člankov, kot je Seznam zvezd v Velikem medvedu in Vodna kača v kitajski astronomiji. Zgled in uporaba constellation
, je opisan spodaj.
{{Navpolje Ozvezdje | constellation = Orion | related = * [[Ardra (nakshatra)]] * [[List of stars in Orion]] * [[Orion correlation theory]] * [[Orion in Chinese astronomy]] }}
Osnovne skupine
[uredi kodo]The first seven parameters, stars_named
, stars_bayer
, stars_flamsteed
, stars_variable
, stars_hr
, stars_hd
, and stars_other
, are used to list stars in a constellation, divided among groups related to the stars' designations. The last six parameters, exoplanets
, sclusters
, nebulae
, galaxies
, gclusters
, and events
, are each dedicated to a class of astronomical objects and transient astronomical events in a constellation. Explanations on which articles are to be listed in each group, and how to link them, are listed in the table below. Like related
, lists should be formatted by dedicating a new line to each entry, and using an asterisk (*
) before each entry. The addition of red links and redirects are highly discouraged per guidelines on navigational boxes which state that "red links and redirects should normally be avoided unless they are very likely to be developed into articles [...] Even then, editors are encouraged to write the article first." Unlinked text is also discouraged per the aforementioned guidelines.
Parameter | Description | Linking |
Articles for stars and star systems in the constellation with titles bearing their proper name as officially designated by the International Astronomical Union, e.g. Pollux (star). Not to be misinterpreted as a group for any articles titled with proper names, which should instead be included in stars_other . Any number of wikilinks can be displayed in this category, even if there is less than five.
Wikilinks in this group should exclude any disambiguation if they are part of the article's title, e.g. [[Pollux (star)|Pollux]] . Otherwise they should not be altered, and display the full name of the article, e.g. [[Vega]] .
Articles for stars and star systems in the constellation with titles bearing their bayer designation – a Greek or Latin alphabet character followed by the constellation's Latin name, e.g. Alpha Centauri, or α Centauri. | Wikilinks in this group should exclude the Latin constellation name and display only the character associated with the star, e.g. [[Alpha Centauri|α]] . Articles are to be listed in Greek/Latin alphabetical order.
Articles for stars and star systems in the constellation with titles bearing their flamsteed designation – an identifying number followed by the constellation's Latin name, e.g. 10 Persei. | Wikilinks in this group should exclude the Latin constellation name and display only the star's identifier, e.g. [[10 Persei|10]] . Articles are to be listed in numerical order.
Articles for stars and star systems in the constellation with titles bearing their variable star designation – a complex naming regime for stars which display variable behaviour, e.g. VY Canis Majoris. | Wikilinks in this group should exclude the Latin constellation name and display only the star's identifier, e.g. [[VY Canis Majoris|VY]] . Articles are to be listed in the variable star designation order, detailed here.
Articles for stars and star systems in the constellation with titles bearing their Bright Star Catalogue designation – an identifying number prefixed by the acronymn "HR" for "Harvard Revised", e.g. HR 8799. | Wikilinks in this group should exclude the "HR" prefix and display only the star's identifier, e.g. [[HR 8799|8799]] . Articles are to be listed in numerical order.
Articles for stars and star systems in the constellation with titles bearing their Henry Draper Catalogue designation – an identifying number prefixed by the acronymn "HD" for "Henry Draper", e.g. HD 85512. | Wikilinks in this group should exclude the "HD" prefix and display only the star's identifier, e.g. [[HD 85512|85512]] . Articles are to be listed in numerical order.
Articles for stars and star systems in the constellation with titles bearing names other than the designations above, e.g. TRAPPIST-1. If any of the groups above, except for stars_named , have less than five wikilinks, it is encouraged to list them in this group instead. However, in the rare instance that only articles on stars and star systems with the above designations exist, the above groups should be kept regardless of the amount of links, and this group should not be used. While not technically stars, black holes are part of the stellar life cycle, and thus can be included in this group.
Wikilinks in these groups should not be altered, and display the full name of the article, e.g. [[TRAPPIST-1]] . Articles are to be listed in alphabetical order, including numerals first.
Articles for both candidate and confirmed exoplanets in the constellation. If an article exists for a planetary system, e.g. Gliese 581 planetary system, link it in place of its individual planets. | |
Articles for star clusters in the constellation, including open clusters and asterisms. | |
Articles for nebulae in the constellation, including molecular clouds and dark nebulae. | |
Articles for galaxies of which their apparent area is either completely within or mostly within the boundaries of the constellation. Galaxies of which only a minority of their area exists within the constellation should not be included. | |
Articles for galaxy clusters of which their apparent area is either completely within or mostly within the boundaries of the constellation. Galaxy clusters of which only a minority of their area exists within the constellation should not be included. | |
Articles for transient astronomical events which have occurred in the constellation, including gamma-ray bursts and supernovae. |
Razširjene skupine
[uredi kodo]If the number of wikilinks to New General Catalogue objects in the sclusters
, nebulae
, and galaxies
groups, or the number of Messier objects and/or numbered galaxies in the galaxies
group exceeds four, and the total number of wikilinks in the aforementioned groups exceeds eight, the use of the navbox's extended groups are then encouraged. These are a set of seven optional subgroups which can be used to divide any, or all, of the aforementioned base groups into lists sorted by NGC, Messier, numbered, and other designations, similar to the base groups for stars. Explanations on which articles are to be listed in each group, and how to link them, are listed in the table below. Three {{#if:}}
parser functions are employed in the template to prevent the misuse of both base and extended groups for the same class fo astronomical objects – for example, the base group for star clusters (sclusters
) will be deactivated if the extended groups sclusters_ngc
and/or sclusters_other
are active. Like related
and the parameters for the base groups, lists should be formatted by dedicating a new line to each entry, and using an asterisk (*
) before each entry. Red links, redirects, and unlinked text are discouraged.
Parameter | Opis | Povezovanje |
Articles for star clusters, nebulae, and/or galaxies in the constellation with titles bearing their New General Catalogue designation – an identifying number prefixed by the acronymn "NGC" for "New General Catalogue", e.g. NGC 6000. | Wikilinks in these groups should exclude the "NGC" prefix and display only the object's identifier, e.g. [[NGC 6000|6000]] . Articles are to be listed in numerical order.
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| ||
Articles for galaxies in the constellation with titles bearing their Messier object designation – an identifying number prefixed by the word "Messier", e.g. Messier 100. | Wikilinks in this group should exclude the "Messier" prefix and display only the galaxy's identifier, e.g. [[Messier 100|100]] . Articles are to be listed in numerical order.
Articles for galaxies in the constellation with titles bearing a Latin numeral as an identifier, prefixed by the constellation's English name, e.g. Andromeda II. Not to be misinterpreted as a group for article titles for galaxies with a Latin numeral prefixed by other words, e.g. Donatiello I, which should instead be included in galaxies_other .
Wikilinks in this group should exclude the English constellation name and display only the galaxy's identifier, e.g. [[Andromeda II|II]] . Articles are to be listed in numerical order.
Articles for star clusters, nebulae, and/or galaxies in the constellation with titles bearing names other than the designations above, e.g. Centaurus A. If galaxies_messier , galaxies_ngc , or galaxies_num have less than five wikilinks, it is encouraged to list them in this group instead.
Wikilinks in these groups should not be altered, and display the full name of the article, e.g. [[Centaurus A]] . Articles are to be listed in alphabetical order, including numerals first.
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