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[uredi kodo]

This template is intended for use in infoboxes; specifically {{Infobox person}} and templates calling Infobox person.

{{Marriage}} takes up to three unnamed parameters (name, start date, end date)—plus an optional named parameter |end= (|reason=)—to produce output such as the following:

Uporaba Izpis
{{marriage |John Smith |1 January 1895 |December 31, 1905}}
John Smith
(por. 1895⁠–⁠2031)

{{marriage |John Doe |1885 |July 27, 1888 |end=d.}}
John Doe
(por. 1885; † 1888)

{{marriage |Jane Doe |2002}}
Jane Doe
(por. 2002)

{{marriage |John Q. Public |2002|2010}}
John Q. Public
(por. 2002⁠–⁠2010)

{{marriage |John Q. Citizen |2002|2010|end=div}}
{{marriage |<!--John Q. Citizen-->|2012}}
John Q. Citizen
(por. 2002; loč. 2010)
(por. 2012)

{{marriage |John Q. Taxpayer |2002|end=div}}
John Q. Taxpayer
(por. 2002, ločitev)

{{marriage |Joe Blow|<!--unknown-->|2010|end=div}}
Joe Blow
(loč. 2010)

{{marriage |Joe Bloggs|<!--unknown-->|2010}}
Joe Bloggs
(pred 2010)

{{marriage |Joe Sixpack|<!--unknown-->|2010|end=<!--uncertain-->}}
Joe Sixpack
(do 2010)

{{marriage |Joe Schmo |end=div}}
Joe Schmo

{{marriage |Juan Perez |2010|reason=<!--earliest-->}}
Juan Perez
(po 2010)

Use of the first two parameters with |end= (|reason=) will cause a line break between the name and the start date.

In an infobox

[uredi kodo]
{{Infobox person}}
John Smith
(por. 1895⁠–⁠2031)
John Doe
(por. 1885; † 1888)
Jane Doe
(por. 2002)
John Q. Public
(por. 2002⁠–⁠2010)
John Q. Citizen
(por. 2002; loč. 2010)
(por. 2012)
John Q. Taxpayer
(por. 2002, ločitev)
Joe Blow
(loč. 2010)
Joe Bloggs
(pred 2010)
Joe Sixpack
(do 2010)
Joe Schmo
Juan Perez
(po 2010)

Infoboxes already reduce text size to 88%, and MOS:FONTSIZE sets a lower limit for text size at 85% of the normal page font size, so it is not appropriate to use font size reduction when this template is used in an infobox. The example here is produced by:

{{Infobox person |spouse = {{Plainlist|
* {{marriage |John Smith |1 January 1895 |December 31, 1905}}
* {{marriage |John Doe |1885 |July 27, 1888 |end=d.}}
* {{marriage |Jane Doe |2002}}
* {{marriage |John Q. Public |2002|2010}}
* {{marriage |John Q. Citizen |2002|2010|end=div}}
* {{marriage |<!--John Q. Citizen-->|2012}}
* {{marriage |John Q. Taxpayer |2002|end=div}}
* {{marriage |Joe Blow|<!--unknown-->|2010|end=div}}
* {{marriage |Joe Bloggs|<!--unknown-->|2010}}
* {{marriage |Joe Sixpack|<!--unknown-->|2010|end=<!--uncertain-->}}
* {{marriage |Joe Schmo |end=div}}
* {{marriage |Juan Perez |2010|reason=<!--earliest-->}} }}

Syntax and parameters

[uredi kodo]

{{marriage | <text> | <start date> | <end date> [| end= ]}}

Parameter Description
<text> (First unnamed parameter) Some text—usually a spouse's name—preceding the parenthesis carrying the marriage date/s, etc. This parameter may be omitted, typically for a remarriage to the same spouse.
<start date> (Second unnamed parameter) Year or full date when the marriage began. Only the year will be displayed. If a full date is provided, it is given via a tooltip; i.e., {{Tooltip}}. (See first and second examples above.)
<end date> (Third unnamed parameter) Year or full date when the marriage ended. Only the year will be displayed. If a full date is provided, it is given via a tooltip; i.e., {{Tooltip}}. (See first and second examples above.) If the marriage ended because of the death of the article's subject, Predloga:Insource.
|end= or |reason= Reason for marriage's end. If the marriage ended because of the death of the article's subject, Predloga:Insource; use of his death or her death for this purpose has been deprecated (see discussion).
  • d, d., or died includes died within the parentheses if the marriage ended on the spouse's death.
  • div, div., or divorced includes div. or divorced within the parentheses.
  • Otherwise, |end=value includes customized text. For example:
{{marriage |Miss Doe |January 1, 1882 |December 31, 1905 |end=annulled}} which produces:
Miss Doe
(por. 1882; annulled 2031)
Opomba: Use of the values w, w., wid, wid., widow, or widowed is no longer supported and will display an error message.

None of the parameters are required on their own, but if a template is missing all three of start date, end date, and reason, an error message will be displayed.

Tracking categories

[uredi kodo]

Categories populated via template logic

[uredi kodo]

Categories populated via parameter validation

[uredi kodo]


[uredi kodo]
To je dokumentacija TemplateData za predlogo, ki jo uporabljajo Vizualni urejevalnik in druga orodja; glejte mesečno poročilo o uporabi parametrov za to predlogo.

TemplateData za Poroka

Ni opisa.

Parametri predloge[Urejanje podatkov predloge]

Za to predlogo se uporablja postavitev parametrov v eni vrstici.

Spouse's name1

Name of the person to whom the subject is married.

Date married2

Date the marriage began.

Date ended3

Date the marriage was dissolved or the spouse of the article's subject died.

Reason endedend reason

Reason for marriage's end. If the marriage ended because of the death of the article's subject, do not provide a reason.

Predlagane vrednosti
died divorced