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Predloga:Povezava za iskanje ISSN/dok

Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije

Use {{ISSN link}} to produce a link or pair of links to the Worldcat search page for an ISSN. Unlike {{ISSN}}, this template does not prefix the link with "ISSN "; and if multiple ISSNs are provided they will be tagged as being for "(print)" and "(web)".


[uredi kodo]

In any context where you need to show an ISSN linked to a Worldcat search, but where the inclusion of the "ISSN " prefix would be distracting, or where you need to provide both the ISSN (print) and eISSN (web/online/digital) for a publication, you can use {{ISSN link}} to generate the needed markup. The template was created for use with List of Cambridge University Press journals (several hundred ISSNs in a table, with a separate column for the ISSNs). If you only need a single or a few ISSNs, you'll be better off just using {{ISSN}} or {{ISSN search link}}.

The template takes two positional parameters, and at least one is required. If both are given, the first is assumed to be the ISSN for the print edition and the second to be the online edition, and both will be tagged accordingly. If only one parameter is given, no assumption is made regarding print vs. online and no tagging is done.

  • |1=: If |2= is also provided, this is the ISSN for the print edition, and will be tagged with "(print)". If this is the only parameter passed in, no assumption will be made as to its type and no tag will be provided.
  • |2=: The ISSN of the online edition. This parameter is optional, but if given will produce a linked ISSN tagged with "(web)".


[uredi kodo]

One argument

[uredi kodo]

{{ISSN link|1234-5678}}1234-5678

Two arguments

[uredi kodo]

{{ISSN link|1234-5678|9876-5432}}1234-5678 (print)
9876-5432 (web)

Two arguments without a line break

[uredi kodo]

{{ISSN link|1234-5678|9876-5432|br=;}}1234-5678 (print); 9876-5432 (web)

Notes and error detection

[uredi kodo]

Finding the ISSN of a publication

[uredi kodo]

An ISSN is always eight digits long. Scroll down the Worldcat page to find the ISSN. Do not rely on the digits shown in the Worldcat URL for the particular publication, since the URL sometimes shows only seven digits, which is invalid to use as the ISSN.


[uredi kodo]

Articles with invalid ISSNs (as determined by the template) will be placed in kat:Članki z napačnim ISSN.

See also

[uredi kodo]