Predloga:Povzetek 131. lunarnega sarosa
131. lunarni saros je imel 72 luninih mrkov. Z njim se prepleta 138. sončev saros na razdalji 9 let in 5 dni izmenično med vsakim sarosom.
Serija mrkov se je začela leta 1427 z delnim mrkom na južnem delu Zemljine sence, ko je bila Luna blizu padnega vozla. Each successive Saros cycle, the Moon's orbital path is shifted northward with respect to the Earth's shadow, with the first total eclipse occurring in 1950. For the following 252 years, total eclipses occur, with the central eclipse being predicted to occur in 2078. The first partial eclipse after this is predicted to occur in the year 2220, and the final partial eclipse of the series will occur in 2707. The total lifetime of the lunar Saros series 131 is 1280 years. Solar Saros 138 interleaves with this lunar saros with an event occurring every 9 let 5 days alternating between each saros series.
Because of the ⅓ fraction of days in a Saros cycle, the visibility of each eclipse will differ for an observer at a given fixed locale. For the lunar Saros series 131, the first total eclipse of 1950 had its best visibility for viewers in Eastern Europe and the Middle East because mid-eclipse was at 20:44 UT. The following eclipse in the series occurred approximately 8 hours later in the day with mid-eclipse at 4:47 UT, and was best seen from North America and South America. The third total eclipse occurred approximately 8 hours later in the day than the second eclipse with mid-eclipse at 12:43 UT, and had its best visibility for viewers in the Western Pacific, East Asia, Australia and New Zealand. This cycle of visibility repeats from the initiation to termination of the series, with minor variations. Solar Saros 138 interleaves with this lunar saros with an event occurring every 9 let 5 days alternating between each saros series.
131. lunin saros, ki se ponovi na vsakih 18 let in 11 dni, vključuje skupno 72 luninih mrkov, od tega 57 senčnih mrkov (42 delnih in 15 popolnih). 138. sončev saros se z njim izmenično prepleta na vsakih 9 let in 5 dni.
Največji | Prvi | |||
Najdaljši mrk te serije se bo zgodil 28. junija 2094; trajal bo namreč kar 102 minuti.[1] |
Polsenčni | Delni | Popolni | Središčni |
10. maj 1427 | 25. julija 1553 | 2. apr 1950 | 16. maj 2022 | |
Zadnji | ||||
Središčni | Popolni | Delni | Polsenčni | |
31. julij 2148 | 3. september 2202 | 9. april 2563 | 7. julij 2707 |
12. mar 1914 | 22. mar 1932 | 2. apr 1950 | |||
13. apr 1968 | 24. apr 1986 | 4. maj 2004 | |||
16. maj 2022 | 26. maj 2040 | 6. jun 2058 | |||
17. jun 2076 | 28. jun 2094 | ||||