Predloga:Status WikiProjekta
![]() | Ta WikiProjekt je mesto za usmerjeno sodelovanje wikipedistov. Veseli smo vseh novih članov, zato ste vabljeni k vpisu! |
![]() | Ta predloga vsebuje skrajno zapletene in/ali ezoterične skladenjske elemente.
Prosimo vas, da predloge ne spreminjate, če niste popolnoma prepričani in niste pripravljeni popraviti vse posledične stranske škode ob nepričakovanih rezultatih. Vse preizkušanje opravite v splošnem Peskovniku za predloge ali v vašem uporabniškem prostoru. |
[uredi kodo]Strani s to predlogo se samodejno dajo v pripadajočo kategorijo, kar je odvisno od izbranega statusa, ki so:
ali puščeno prazno (privzeto) = Kategorija:Aktivni WikiProjekti|delno aktiven
= Kategorija:Delno aktivni WikiProjekti|osnutek
= Kategorija:Osnutki WikiProjektov|neaktiven
= Kategorija:Neaktivni WikiProjekti|nekdanji
= Kategorija:Nekdanji WikiProjekti
Brez parametrov ali s parametrom |active
![]() | Ta WikiProjekt je mesto za usmerjeno sodelovanje wikipedistov. Veseli smo vseh novih članov, zato ste vabljeni k vpisu! |
Uporaba: Delno aktivni WikiProjekti
[uredi kodo]Dodaj to predlogo na vrh kateregakoli WikiProjekta, ki je le delno aktiven:
{{Status WikiProjekta|Delno aktiven}}
Projekt se obravnava delno aktiven, ko:
- je veliko število neovrednotenih člankov ali
- je bilo skozi več mesecev na glavni strani projekta le nekaj majhnih sprememb ali
- je bilo skozi več mesecev na pogovorni strani projekta le nekaj majhnih pogovorov.
Majhna poskušanja s formati, avtomatičnim arhiviranjem in neodgovorjena sporočila na WikiProjektu od zunanjih oseb ("Mi lahko kdo, prosim, pomaga s ...") ali od botov se ne štejejo kot znaki aktivnosti projekta.
To predlogo ali parameter da lahko vsak na vrh delno aktivnega WikiProjekta. Katerikoli član projekta jo lahko tudi umakne kot napako. Po umiki prosimo, da dodaš razlog na pogovorno stran WikiProjekta in s tem pokažeš, da je projekt še vedno aktiven.
![]() | Ta WikiProjekt je mesto za usmerjeno sodelovanje wikipedistov. Veseli smo vseh novih članov, zato ste vabljeni k vpisu! |
Uporaba: Osnutki ali projekti v izdelavi
[uredi kodo]Place this template at the top of any WikiProject that appears to be a proposal or still under construction to an extent that it is not yet usable:
{{WikiProject status|Draft}}
A project is generally considered draft when:
- it is a proposal at WP:WikiProject Council/Proposals or
- It is obviously still being worked on to provide basic functionality; and
- there have been few or no discussions on its talk page for several months (a project could actually be active despite being in an incomplete state).
Neither work to reconfigure aspects of a project or add new features, nor some features becoming moribund, constitute a project lapsing into draft state.
Any editor may add this template and parameter to the top of any apparently incomplete WikiProject. Any member of the project may remove it if it is placed in error. Upon removal, please consider placing a message on the WikiProject's talk page to indicate that the group is in fact active.
![]() | Ta WikiProjekt je mesto za usmerjeno sodelovanje wikipedistov. Veseli smo vseh novih članov, zato ste vabljeni k vpisu! |
Uporaba: Neaktivni projekti
[uredi kodo]Place this template at the top of any WikiProject:
{{WikiProject status|Inactive}}
A project is generally considered inactive when:
- there are no editors listed as members or
- there has been no reduction in the number of unassessed articles in 6 months or
- there have been no significant changes to the main project page for four months or
- there have been no discussions on its talk page for four months.
Minor fiddling with formatting, automatic archiving, and unanswered messages to the WikiProject from outsiders ("Could someone with this project please help me with...") or from bots do not count as signs of project activity.
Any editor may add this template and parameter to the top of any apparently inactive WikiProject. Any member of the project may remove it if it is placed in error. Upon removal, please consider placing a message on the WikiProject's talk page to indicate that the group is still active.
![]() | Ta WikiProjekt je mesto za usmerjeno sodelovanje wikipedistov. Veseli smo vseh novih članov, zato ste vabljeni k vpisu! |
Uporaba: Nekdanji projekti
[uredi kodo]Place this template at the top of any WikiProject that appears to be defunct:
{{WikiProject status|Defunct}}
Replace the {{inactive}} tag if it is present, or remove the inactive=yes
parameter from {{Infobox WikiProject}}, if present.
Before applying the tag:
- process the list of project members, placing indefinitely blocked editors and editors inactive on Wikipedia for more than a year in separate subheadings. Check the project's userbox category/ies for unlisted members. If one or more active editors remain but it is still reasonable to think the project may be defunct, check with those editors individually if they agree.
- if the project has a working assessment system (typically a WP:1.0 banner/category structure), consider whether this information exists elsewhere. Even without activity, it may be useful. Consider proposing a merger with a related project if appropriate.
- consider the likelihood the project may be revived in future. A few projects have a purpose which is so specific that the project may simply be complete (or obsolete). In general, the narrower the scope, or the more it overlaps with other projects, the more reasonable to consider the project defunct. The less the project achieved (some hardly get beyond the proposal stage), the less likely it will be revived. Consider marking or leaving the project marked as merely "inactive".
- consider whether the project may be relevant for Countering Systemic Bias. Discuss at WP:CSB if necessary. If it is, remind relevant related projects of the project's existence, and suggest possible merger.
Any editor may add this template and parameter to the top of any apparently defunct WikiProject, after following the steps above. Any member of the project may remove it if it is placed in error. Upon removal, please consider placing a message on the WikiProject's talk page to indicate that the group is still active or at least revivable.
![]() | Ta WikiProjekt je mesto za usmerjeno sodelovanje wikipedistov. Veseli smo vseh novih članov, zato ste vabljeni k vpisu! |
Pomožni parametri
[uredi kodo]- Celotna koda
{{Status WikiProjekta |margin= |en-gb= |parent= |type= |mergedto= |date= |note= |portal= |sc1= |sc2= |sc3= |sc4= |sc5= |nocat= <!-- Delovne skupine --> |taskforce= |project-type= |topic= |process= |hide= }}
[uredi kodo]margin=0px
[uredi kodo]parent=
- Ime starševskega WikiProjekta. Če se navede
"in/ali starševski projekt"
, se to oblikuje kot sporočilo "zakaj se pa ne bi pridružil". Deluje samo, če je statusneaktiven
[uredi kodo]type=
- Izberi iz:
anime and manga
aliTV show
; trenutno ta možnost deluje samo na podkategorizaciji WikiProjektov v medijih, naključnih stvareh in mladostniških podkulturnih področjih ter tudi na geofrafskih področjih. To je zato, ker takšna področja pritegnejo največ širšega občinstva.
Združen v
[uredi kodo]mergedto=
- Označuje, da je tarča združena, združeno z WikiProjektom xyz. Vrednost parametra je ime wikiprojekta brez dela "Wikipedija:WikiProjekt".
[uredi kodo]date=
- Uporabljen za časovno opredelitev označitve projekta kot delno aktiven, neaktiven ali nekdanji (katerikoli format)
[uredi kodo]note=
- Ustvari opombo, ki se kasneje prikaže v oglasu.
[uredi kodo]portal=
- Doda povezavo do pripadajočega portala
Bližnjični parametri
[uredi kodo]sc1=WP:SHORTCUT1
[uredi kodo]nocat=
- Če se nastavi vrednost
, potem bodo kategorije zatrta.
Delovne skupine
[uredi kodo]Set these when using on the page of task force (a.k.a. work group), i.e. a sub-project. Only works if status is set to active
- Set to either
, then complete in the matching parameter topic=
- Use this for task forces working on a particular topic within a WikiProject
- Use this for task forces working on improvement of a particular process within a WikiProject
[uredi kodo]|hide=yes
- This will hide the banner, but keep the categorizations
Glej tudi
[uredi kodo]- {{Zgodovinsko}}