Uporabniški pogovor:Gugganij
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Welcome to the Slovene Wikipedia! --romanm (pogovor) 13:13, 25 november 2005 (CET)
Dodal si povezavo na zbirko Commons|Bohinj, kar se mi ne zdi sporno. Urejanje v sami zbirki za Bohinj pa se mi ne zdi ok. Bohinj je geografsko ime za prostor in ni sinonim za Občino Bohinj. Insignia and maps se tam sicer nanašajo na občino ... mogoče bi tam lahko dodal dodatno informacijo o občini. Upam, da sem bila dovolj jasna kaj me je zmotilo. -- LP, Pinky 08:56, 7 februar 2007 (CET)
You add link to commons, but user Pinky thinks, that links isn't true. Bohinj is geographical name for area and not synonym for Bohinj municipalitie. I also want to use {{Zbirka}} instead of {{Commons}} and {{kategorija v Zbirki}} instead of {{Commonscat}}.
Gretings, --Miha 19:35, 9 februar 2007 (CET)
- Thank you for translating the comment of Pinky. My command of Slovene is unfortunately extremely restricted. Does občina not just mean municipality? Therefore I thought that the proper name of Občina Bohinj was just Bohinj. Either way, I am fine with both solutions. Concerning the tags, I didn't know that they are named differently in the Slovene wikipedia. Sorry for that. Lepe pozdrav Gugganij 22:41, 16 februar 2007 (CET)