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Vnosa EasyTimeline ni bilo mogoče prevesti:

EasyTimeline 1.90

Timeline generation failed: 5 errors found
Line 67: bar:Gunzek from:01/01/1951 till:01/01/1952 color:conductor width:3

- PlotData invalid. Bar 'Gunzek' not (properly) defined.

Line 68: bar:Ovsenik from:01/01/1949 till:01/01/1972 color:saxophone

- PlotData invalid. Bar 'Ovsenik' not (properly) defined.

Line 69: bar:Soss2 from:01/01/1949 till:04/12/1980 color:saxophone

- PlotData invalid. Bar 'Soss2' not (properly) defined.

Line 76: bar:Podgornik from:01/01/1948 till:01/01/1955 color:saxophone width:3

- Invalid statement. No '=' found.

Line 77: bar:Podgornik from:01/01/1955 till:end color:saxophone

- New command expected instead of data line (= line starting with spaces). Data line(s) ignored.