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Pogovor:Enota deželne decentralizacije Pordenone

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Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije

Hello and sorry for not speaking Slovenian. On the German wikipedia and on this website they mention Pordenún as the Slovenian name of the minicipality* of Pordenone. But since it is not metioned here, I would like to know whether this name exist and if so, whether it's old fashioned or still used.

Ciao e scusa per non scrivere in sloveno. Nella wikipedia tedesca e su questo sito web usano Pordenún come nome sloveno del Comune di Pordenone, ma siccome non usate questo nome qui mi chiedo se esiste davvero e se è ancora in uso o se è già caduto in disuso. --Andreas 21:26, 4. marec 2008 (CET)[odgovori]

Hallo Andreas, thanks for yr question. In fact the Slovene name is Pordenun, but unknown in Slovenia where the current naming is simply Pordenone. Only the Slovene minority of Beneška Slovenija (Slavia Veneta or Benecìa in italian) uses the name Pordenun. Here you must know that this minority pretends to speak an original, distinct language (Slavic based, but not slovene), while Ljubljana's linguists decided this idiom to be only a slovene dialect. So, if these are right, the form Pordenun is dialectical and not very important; if the minority is right - this form is not slovenian. The same problem arises in many cases, but unfortunately the question is not yet solved. I hope I have been exhaustive. --IzTrsta 11:15, 5. marec 2008 (CET)[odgovori]
Hi, I thank you very much for your answer. And since your nickname seems to mean "Da Trieste", I think you should know it :) --Andreas 20:19, 7. marec 2008 (CET)[odgovori]

Od kdaj ste v Ljubljani opustili različico "Pordenon", ki smo jo od vedno uporabljali (v zamejstvu)?

Podpiši se, potem ti odgovorim. --IzTrsta 10:01, 28. maj 2009 (CEST)[odgovori]


[uredi kodo]

@Erardo Galbi Lahko pojasniš, zakaj si prestavil? "Standardizacija" v temu pomenu ne zadostuje, saj s prestavljanjem v bistvu odstopa od norme. A09090091|(pogovor) 17:31, 2. avgust 2021 (CEST)[odgovori]

Ker ostale tri pokrajine Furlanije - Julijske krajine nosijo naslov s pridevnikom: Tržaška, Goriška in Videmska. Erardo Galbi (pogovor) 19:05, 2. avgust 2021 (CEST)[odgovori]
@A09, lahko prosim prestaviš na prvotni naslov ali na Pokrajina Pordenone? Za utemeljitev glej Pogovor:Pokrajina Trst. --TadejM pogovor 22:41, 17. junij 2023 (CEST)[odgovori]
DaD Opravljeno A09|(pogovor) 22:44, 17. junij 2023 (CEST)[odgovori]