Pogovor:Racionaliziran sistem prečrkovanja bolgarske cirilice
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[uredi kodo]Od kdaj pa Slovenci uporabljamo angleška pravila za prečrkovanje ciriličnih slovanskih jezikov? PMM je ta članek povsem nesmiseln, saj je v slovenščini že od nekdaj uveljavljeno, da cirilične jezike prečrkujemo po svojih pravilih, ki so prilagojena na slovenski pravopis in fonetiko. --Jalen 14:04, 26. februar 2010 (CET)
- The article is not about the Slovenian practice of transliteration of Cyrillic alphabet. It is about the legally regulated Bulgarian practice of transliteration, which is of considerable practical importance as far as Bulgarian language is concerned. Foreign visitors to Bulgaria of all nationalities (German, French, Japanese, Slovenian, Italian etc.) are users of this official system indeed, for they will find street names, road signs etc. with Latin versions spelled according to the system. On the other hand, Bulgarians visiting Slovenia will have their names transliterated in their documents by the same system too. Apologies for not communicating in Slovenian. Apcbg 17:17, 26. februar 2010 (CET)
- Regarding Slovene language the title of this article should at least show that it's not directly connected with it. For instance "~international streamlined ~" or such. "Streamlined" many languages translate as "direct" (neposreden), although correct translation is "natural" (naraven) or something like that. This is common problem of many kinds of (half)legal transliterations. --xJaM 17:36, 12. marec 2010 (CET)
- If this is considered a problem, then perhaps a possible way to avoid any ambiguity might be the replacement of "prečrkovanja" by "angleškog prečrkovanja", as indeed this system is oriented towards English language? Apcbg 11:22, 15. marec 2010 (CET)