Predloga:Infopolje Starodavno najdišče/dok
![]() | To je dokumentacijska podstran za glavno stran Predloga:Infopolje Starodavno najdišče. Namenjena je shranjevanju navodil, kategorizaciji in drugi vsebini, ki ni del glavne strani. |
This template is flexible enough to be used to provide a box containing an information summary for many historical and cultural locations, even though it was originally created for use with articles about ancient sites, excavations and constructions.
[uredi kodo]To use this template, simply copy the text from the box below, paste it at the top of your article, then complete any of the parameters which apply to the archaeological site which you are describing. Only a value for the "name" parameter is required; all others are optional.
Use as few or many of the following fields as you wish. Fields for which no information is provided will not be displayed in your infobox. The more fields for which you add information, the longer will be your infobox. Infoboxes which include data for a large number of fields can interfere with other elements of your article.
{{Infopolje Starodavno najdišče | name = <!-- zahtevano --> | native_name = | alternate_name = | image = | imagealttext = | caption = | map_type = | map_alt = | map_caption = | map_size = | relief = | latd = | latm = | lats = | latNS = | longd = | longm = | longs = | longEW = | coordinates_display = inline, title | location = | region = | type = | part_of = | length = | width = | area = | height = | builder = | material = | built = | abandoned = | epochs = <!-- actually displays as "Periods" --> | cultures = | dependency_of = | occupants = | event = | excavations = | archaeologists = | condition = | ownership = | management = | public_access = | website = <!-- {{URL|}} --> | notes = }}
- Razglasitve
| občina = <!-- le za slovensko kulturno dediščino --> | designation1 = | designation1_offname = | designation1_type = | designation1_criteria = | designation1_date = | delisted1_date = | designation1_partof = | designation1_number = | designation1_free1name = | designation1_free1value = | designation1_free2name = | designation1_free2value = | designation1_free3name = | designation1_free3value = | designation2 = | designation2_offname = | designation2_type = | designation2_criteria = | designation2_date = | delisted2_date = | designation2_partof = | designation2_number = | designation2_free1name = | designation2_free1value = | designation2_free2name = | designation2_free2value = | designation2_free3name = | designation2_free3value =
Opisi parametrov
[uredi kodo]Many of the titles displayed are broadly inclusive, and the descriptions below are suggestions. If you cannot find a description which exactly matches the information you wish to present, find the closest match. Again, only the "name" parameter is required.
- General information regarding the site or structure
- name = Name of the archaeological site or feature as spelled in English references (required)
- native_name = Name in the local language or spelling (this displays below title if present). In some cases it is useful to mention two native names. For example, some ancient Greek cities in Turkey also have a name in Turkish beside their Greek and Latin (English) name. Both names can be mentioned in this entry if they are separated with the
tag to insert a line break. For example, in the case of MiletusΜίλητος<br>Milet
is used. - alternate_name = Other name(s) by which the site is known. Most often this entry is used best for alternate names of the site in English. The transliteration of a name in a foreign languages to English often produces multiple English names with slightly different spellings.
- image = Filename of image showing the site
- imagealttext = Alternative text describing the image
- caption = Text for a caption beneath image
- map_type = Name of the map as displayed in Kategorija:Lokacijske karte, without the words "Location map"
- map_alt = Alternative text describing the map
- map_caption = A caption for the map, if this entry is removed a default caption "Shown in (map name)" will be given in case the map_type entry is filled
- map_size = Width of map displayed. Leave empty or remove to get the default size of 220 pixels. In some cases this default does not work well for maps which are very wide, such as the map of Turkey. In that case the map size can be increased to 270. This does not increase the standard width of the whole infobox as long as an image is used in the infobox.
- relief = Any non-blank value (
, etc.) will cause the template to display a relief map image, where available. For additional information, see Template:Location map#Relief parameter. - latd = degrees latitude (also see MOS:COORDS#Geographical_coordinates for entering coordinates and use GeoHack to convert coordinates from the decimal notation)
- latm = minutes
- lats = seconds
- latNS = N(orth) or S(outh)
- longd = degrees longitude
- longm = minutes
- longs = seconds
- longEW = E(ast) or W(est)
- coordinates_display = This entry with its value "title" should be included to display the coordinates not only in the infobox, but in the title too.
- location = Area where the site is located, generally in the form of: town, province/state, possibly the administrative region and ending with the country. For example: Montalto di Castro, Province of Viterbo, Lazio, Italy for the article of Vulci.
- region = Use to specify the geographical region of the site, either ancient, modern or both. For example the Yucatán Peninsula, Attica or Mesopotamia. Do not mention administrative divisions such as provinces here, those should be put in the location entry.
- type = Site type (tomb, fortification, encampment, temple, tumulus, settlement, etc.)
- part_of = Name of main site, if part of larger site or complex
- length = Length of site in meters/kilometers, converted to imperial units with Template:Convert, for example {{convert|50|m|abbr=on}}
- width = Width of site in meters/kilometers, converted to imperial units with Template:Convert, for example {{convert|1|km|abbr=on}}
- area = Area covered by the site or structure in hectare (or in square kilometers if exceeding 1 km2), converted to imperial acres (or square miles) with Template:Convert, for example {{convert|5|ha|abbr=on}}
- height = Greatest height of preserved remains in meters, converted to imperial units with Template:Convert
- History of the site or structure
- builder = If known, name of person or people who built the site
- material = Significant construction materials (stone, plaster, concrete, brick, wood)
- built = Year of construction: c. (circa) or period if year unknown (the label for this field appears as "Founded")
- abandoned = Year went out of use or destroyed: c. (circa) or period if year unknown
- epochs = Period(s) during which the site was in use (e.g., Bronze Age II–Iron Age I)
- cultures = Cultures which evidence has shown to have occupied the site. This can be an archaeological culture but also a culture in the sense of a people. Mention the archaeological culture in the form of a noun minus the word "culture" and mention a people in the form of an adjective. For example, a wikilink to [[Vinča culture]] becomes [[Vinča culture|Vinča]]; [[Celts]] becomes [[Celts|Celtic]]. See Vinča-Belo Brdo for an example.
- dependency_of = If a satellite dependency (e.g., outlying village, quarry, etc.), specify the controlling nearby city or site
- occupants = Significant historical figures occupying or associated with the site
- event = Significant historical event(s) associated with the site
- Other information and notes about the site or structure
- excavations = Years for major excavation work
- archaeologists = Superintending archeologist(s)
- condition = Present condition of the remains (no extant remains, restored, ruined, etc.)
- ownership = Is the site on private or public property
- management = Pertinent info about the management of the site (private manager, admission fee, etc.)
- public_access = Is the site open to public visits (Yes, No, Limited)
- website = Use only if the site has an official web presence. Use {{URL}} or simply [ Link description] if the link is too long
- notes = any additional necessary explanatory notes
[uredi kodo]| designation1 = | designation1_offname = | designation1_type = | designation1_criteria = | designation1_date = | delisted1_date = | designation1_partof = | designation1_number = | designation1_free1name = | designation1_free1value = | designation1_free2name = | designation1_free2value = | designation1_free3name = | designation1_free3value = | designation2 = | designation2_offname = | designation2_type = | designation2_criteria = | designation2_date = | delisted2_date = | designation2_partof = | designation2_number = | designation2_free1name = | designation2_free1value = | designation2_free2name = | designation2_free2value = | designation2_free3name = | designation2_free3value = | občina = <!-- le za slovensko kulturno dediščino -->
Dovoljene sta 2 razglasitve. Vsaka razglasitev ima svojo barvo, ki jo nadzoruje predloga {{Razglasitve}}. Za prikaz razglasitev je na voljo več različnih predlog. Čeprav ni potrebno vnesti nobenega parametra, je priporočljivo vnesti vsaj datum razglsitve in evidenčno številko (če je ta na voljo). Za vsako razglasitev (1-2) lahko uporabite sledeče parametre:
designation1 – Naziv razglasitve. Za seznam poprtih nazivov glej Predloga:Razglasitev/dok#Podprte razglasitve.
- Zgled formata –
| designation1 = World Heritage Site
- Zgled formata –
designation1_offname – Uradno ime zgodovinske znamenitosti kot je navedena v registru. Če je uradno ime enako splošnemu imenu, ki je navedeno na vrhu infopolja, je ta parameter nepotreben. Če je v registru navedenih več imen, jih vključi vse.
- Zgled formata –
| designation1_offname = Obélisque antique
- Zgled formata –
designation1_type – Nekateri registri vsebujejo več tipov razglasitev (t.j. "Naravni" in "Kulturni", "Grade I" in "Grade II", itd.). Če je tip povezan z razglasitvijo, ga vnesi tukaj.
- Zgled formata –
| designation1_type = Kulturni
- Zgled formata –
designation1_criteria – Nekateri registri vsebujejo pogoje pod katerimi je znamenitost lahko vključena v register. Če je kriterij poznan, ga vnesite tukaj.
- Zgled formata –
| designation1_criteria = ii, iv
- Zgled formata –
designation1_date – Datum ko je bila znamenitosti dodeljena razglasitev. Običajno ta parameter potrebuje sklice.
- Zgled formata –
| designation1_date = 4. marec, 1972<ref>{{navedi splet|...}}</ref>
- Zgled formata –
delisted1_date – Če je bila znamenitost odstranjena iz seznama razglasitev, ta datum vnesite tukaj. Nastavitev te vrednosti povzroči spremembo barve okvirja, ki postane siv in na začetek doda besedo "Prej". Tudi ta parameter potrebuje sklice.
- Zgled formata –
| delisted1_date = 5. marec, 1972<ref>{{navedi splet|...}}</ref>
- Zgled formata –
designation1_partof – Nekatere razglasitve so del večjih razglasitev (t.j. posamična zgradba, ki je bila razglašena v okviru razglasitve območja). Na primer, Ellis Island je del Statue of Liberty National Monument; oba sta na seznamu New York City Landmarks. Če je večja razglasitev na istem seznamu registra, tukaj vključite ime večje razglasitve. Če obstaja članek o tej razglasitvi, jo wiki povežite.
- Zgled formata –
| designation1_partof = [[Statue of Liberty National Monument]]
- Zgled formata –
designation1_number – Večina registrov za vsako znamenitost vsebuje unikatne referenčne številke tako, de se jih lahko lažje poišče (Mogoče obstajata dve enako poimenovani znamenitosti, imata pa različni referenčni številki). Tukaj vnesite referenčno številko.
- Zgled formata –
| designation1_number = 70010045
- Zgled formata –
Za razglasitev 2, uporabite enake parametre, le "designation1" nadomestite z "designation2".
- Splošni parametri
Poleg teh parametrov lahko uporabite še dodato do 3 splošne parametre za vsako razglasitev:
designation1_free1name – Ime (poudarjeni del besedila) v 1. koloni infopolja.
- Zgled formata –
| designation1_free1name = Regija
- Zgled formata –
designation1_free1value – Vrednost, ki jo želite nastaviti za dodatni parameter.
- Zgled formata –
| designation1_free1value = Latinska Amerika in Karibi
- Zgled formata –
[uredi kodo]Palace of Potytles | |
![]() House of Potytles excavation (fictional) | |
Drugo ime | Potytleon |
Lokacija | Izmir (Smyrna) |
Tip | Dwelling |
Del | Acropolis |
Površina | 205 km2 (79 sq mi) |
Zgodovina | |
Zgradil | Hyxixus |
Material | Stone |
Ustanovljeno | c. 480 BCE |
Opuščeno | c. 430 BCE |
Obdobje | Bronze II–Hellenistic |
Povezano z | Potytles, Cimon |
Druge informacije | |
Stanje | Partial restoration |
Lastništvo | Public |
Uprava | Private concessionaire, entry fee |
Javni dostop | No |
Active excavation |
{{Infopolje Starodavno najdišče | name = Palace of Potytles | native_name = | alternate_name = Potytleon | image = Example svg.svg | imagealttext = Looking down onto tumbled, colorful ashlars | caption = House of Potytles excavation (fictional) | map_type = | map_alt = | map_size = | location = Izmir (Smyrna) | region = | type = Dwelling | part_of = Acropolis | length = | width = | area = {{convert|2.05|km2|abbr=on}} | height = | builder = Hyxixus | material = Stone | built = c. 480 BCE | abandoned = c. 430 BCE | epochs = Bronze II–Hellenistic | cultures = | dependency_of = | occupants = Potytles, [[Cimon]] | event = | excavations = | archaeologists = | condition = Partial restoration | ownership = | management = Private concessionaire, entry fee | public_access = No | website = | notes = Active excavation }}
Večje najdišče
[uredi kodo]Ras Ibn Hani رأس ابن هاني (arabsko) | |
![]() A tomb at Ras Ibn Hani | |
Drugo ime | Betyllion |
Lokacija | Latakia, Syria |
Koordinati | 35°35′6″N 35°44′45.6″E / 35.58500°N 35.746000°E |
Tip | Settlement |
Površina | 2 ha (4,9 akri) |
Zgodovina | |
Obdobje | Late Bronze–Early Byzantine |
Kulture | Canaanite, Hellenistic, Roman |
Satellite of | Ugarit |
Druge informacije | |
Lastništvo | Mixed public and private |
Javni dostop | Partial |
Now is the site of Cote d'Azur |
{{Infopolje Starodavno najdišče | name = Ras Ibn Hani | native_name = رأس ابن هاني {{ar icon}} | alternate_name = Betyllion | image = RasIbnHani,tomb1.jpg | imagealttext = A corridor built of ashlars leads to a ruined archway | caption = A tomb at Ras Ibn Hani | map_type = Syria | map_alt = Located on the Mediterranean coast of Syria | latd = 35 | latm = 35 | lats = 6 | latNS = N | longd = 35 | longm = 44 | longs = 45.6 | longEW = E | coordinates_display = title | location = [[Latakia]], [[Syria]] | region = | type = Settlement | part_of = | length = | width = | area = {{convert|2|ha|abbr=on}} | height = | builder = | material = | built = | abandoned = | epochs = Late Bronze–Early Byzantine | cultures = Canaanite, Hellenistic, Roman | dependency_of = [[Ugarit]] | occupants = | event = | excavations = | archaeologists = | condition = | ownership = Mixed public and private | public_access = Partial | website = | notes = Now is the site of [[Cote d'Azur, Syria|Cote d'Azur]] }}
[uredi kodo]HTML-koda, ki jo sestavi ta predloga, vključuje mikroformat hCard, ki omogoča strojno razčlenjevanje imen in naslovov, na primer za katalogiziranje člankov ali vključevanje podatkov o subjektu v adresar.
Znotraj hCarda mikroformat Geo, ki omogoča še strojno razčlenjevanje koordinat (zemljepisna širina in dolžina), zato jih je denimo možno preveriti na digitalnem zemljevidu ali spraviti v GPS-napravo.
Če opisujete kraj, ki ima datum ustanovitve oz. odprtja, uporabite {{Start date}}. Če ima spletno stran, uporabite {{URL}}.
Hcard uporablja naslednje razrede HTML:
- adr
- agent
- category
- county-name
- extended-address
- fn
- label
- locality
- nickname
- note
- org
- region
- street-address
- url
- vcard
Geo je produkt klica predloge {{koord}} in uporablja naslednje razrede HTML:
- geo
- latitude
- longitude
Prosimo, ne preimenujte ali odstranjujte teh razredov.
Ob podajanju koordinat se prosimo izogibajte pretirani natančnosti.