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Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije

The purpose of this template is to indicate that a span of text belongs to a particular language. It often makes no visible changes to the text but can prompt web browsers to use a more appropriate font or screen readers to use a particular kind of pronunciation and so on. See § Rationale for more information.

Syntax and usage

[uredi kodo]

     {{lang|language tag|text}}

The language tag should consist of an ISO-639 language code. See the list of ISO 639-1 codes for two-letter codes; if you don't find the language you seek, then refer to the list of ISO 639-3 codes.

The template also supports properly formatted IETF language tags using subtags that identify the language's script, region, and/or variant. The ISO 639 language code is a two- or three-letter abbreviation, in lowercase, of the language's name. French, for example, has the code fr:

  • She said: "{{lang|fr|Je suis française.}}" → She said: "Je suis française."

Because all languages represented by two-letter codes in ISO 639-1 can also be represented by their three-letter equivalents in ISO 639-2 and above, it is recommended to use the shortest language tag possible that sufficiently describes the target language.[1] So while French could be represented by ISO 639-2's fra code, use the ISO 639-1 code fr instead. Likewise, script, region, and variant information should be included only when they provide a necessary distinction. For an up-to-date list of available language, script, region, and variant codes, please refer to the IANA's language subtag registry.

By default, this template will place articles into the relevant subcategory of kat:Articles containing non-English-language text. To suppress this – e.g. when using {{lang}} within a wikilink or the title parameter of a citation – add the parameter |cat=no.


[uredi kodo]

Automatic italics

[uredi kodo]

{{lang}} automatically applies italic styling when the text in {{{2}}} is written entirely in the Latn script (the Latin alphabet and its extensions), either when that is the default encoding for the language or when it is triggered by a xx-Latn language code:

  • {{lang|fr|Je suis française.}}Je suis française.
  • ''{{lang|fr|Je suis française.}}''Je suis française. – external markup is ignored
  • {{lang|he-Latn|la'az}} ({{lang|he|לעז}})la'az (לעז)
  • ''{{lang|he-Latn|la'az}}'' (''{{lang|he|לעז}}''

)la'az (לעז ) – external markup is ignored around the he-Latn text, but will incorrectly italicize the Hebrew-character material.

When Latn script should not be italicized, there are multiple approaches: |italic=no – renders {{{2}}} in upright font; italic markup around the template is ignored; italic markup inside the template causes an error message:

  • {{lang|fr|Je suis française.|italic=no}}Je suis française.
  • ''{{lang|fr|Je suis française.|italic=no}}''Je suis française.
  • ''{{lang|fr|Je suis ''française''.|italic=no}}''[Je suis française.] Napaka: {{Jezik}}: besedilo ima označevanje za ležeče (pomoč) – italic markup in conflict with |italic=no

|italic=unset – disables template-provided styling; {{{2}}} is styled according to external or internal wiki markup:

  • {{lang|fr|Je suis française.|italic=unset}}Je suis française.
  • ''{{lang|fr|Je suis française.|italic=unset}}''Je suis française.
  • {{lang|fr|''Je suis'' English.|italic=unset}}Je suis English.

{{noitalic}} can also be used:

  • {{lang|fr|Je suis {{noitalic|English}}.}}Je suis English.

Language-specific templates

[uredi kodo]

There are language-specific versions of this template, such as {{lang-fr}} and {{lang-ru}}, which are intended to be used the first time a language appears in an article. These templates will print the language's name and, when appropriate, italicize their content:

  • A '''kremlin''' ({{lang-ru|кремль}}, 'castle') is a major fortified central complex ... → A kremlin (rusko кремль, 'castle') is a major fortified central complex ...

While {{lang-xx}} templates output text in italics for languages with Latin-based scripts, if plain text is required, such as for proper names, |italic=no or {{noitalic}} may be used:

  • the border town of Ventimiglia ({{lang-fr|Vintimille}}) → the border town of Ventimiglia (francosko Vintimille)
  • the border town of Ventimiglia ({{lang-fr|italic=no|Vintimille}}) → the border town of Ventimiglia (francosko Vintimille)
  • the border town of Ventimiglia ({{lang-fr|{{noitalic|Vintimille}}}}) → the border town of Ventimiglia (francosko Vintimille)

When formatting foreign-language text to match style guidelines, it is best to exclude the styling markup from the template, so that any extraneous markup which is not from the foreign language does not receive incorrect metadata for that language. This includes: English-language quotation marks around titles of works in languages that use other quotation character glyphs; italicization of titles in languages which do not use that convention; and emphasis that is not found (in one style or another) in the original foreign text; among other cases. If in doubt, put such markup outside the template when possible.

Right-to-left languages

[uredi kodo]

To embed a string of right-to-left text (such as Arabic or Hebrew) within the usual left-to-right context, |rtl=yes should be added to correctly communicate writing direction. To markup a whole paragraph of right-to-left text, {{rtl-para}} should be used instead.

Any of these approaches will wrap the text in a container with the dir="rtl" attribute. In order to ensure correct rendering in browsers that do not fully support HTML5 bidirectional isolation, a left-to-right mark is also added to the end of the text (see the W3C for details).

Note that text direction does not need to be specified when using the {{lang-xx}} templates, as this is implied by the template's language.


[uredi kodo]
lang supported parameters
parameter definition yields to alias
code IETF language tag for the content in text {{{1}}}
text non-English text {{{2}}}
rtl yes indicates that the writing system used for the content in text is right-to-left; accepted values are: no (default), yes IETF script subtag in code (if provided)
italic see table "lang ǀitalic= parameter operation"; accepted values are: yes, no, unset, invert, default italics,i
size specifies font size of the content in text; use a value suitable for use with the CSS font-size property; this should almost always be a relative value supplied in % or em units, not a fixed px

value. || – ||

nocat inhibits automatic categorization; mirror version of cat; accepted values are: yes, y, true, t, on, 1
cat inhibits automatic categorization; mirror version of nocat; accepted values are: no, n, false, f, off, 0
lang ǀitalic= parameter operation
ǀitalic= value description example code result html markup
  • parameter not present;
  • parameter present, not set;
  • invalid value
  • module applies style from:
  •   auto-italics or
  •   script subtag latn;
  • else inherits from external markup;
  • invalid values treated as default
{{lang|ru|тундра}} тундра <span title="rusko besedilo"><span lang="ru">тундра</span></span>
{{lang|ru|tûndra}} tûndra <span title="rusko besedilo"><i lang="ru">tûndra</i></span>
Incorrect markup; this requires |ru-latn.
{{lang|fr|toundra}} toundra <span title="francosko besedilo"><i lang="fr">toundra</i></span>
{{lang|ru-latn|tûndra}} tûndra <span title="rusko besedilo"><i lang="ru-Latn">tûndra</i></span>
default {{lang|ru|тундра|italic=default}} тундра <span title="rusko besedilo"><span lang="ru">тундра</span></span>
{{lang|fr|toundra|italic=default}} toundra <span title="francosko besedilo"><i lang="fr">toundra</i></span>
{{lang|ru-latn|tûndra|italic=default}} tûndra <span title="rusko besedilo"><i lang="ru-Latn">tûndra</i></span>
  • module applies upright style;
  • overrides auto-italics
  • overrides script subtag latn;
  • overrides external markup
{{lang|ru|тундра|italic=no}} тундра <span title="rusko besedilo"><span lang="ru" style="font-style: normal;">тундра</span></span>
{{lang|fr|toundra|italic=no}} toundra <span title="francosko besedilo"><span lang="fr" style="font-style: normal;">toundra</span></span>
{{lang|ru-latn|tûndra|italic=no}} tûndra <span title="rusko besedilo"><span lang="ru-Latn" style="font-style: normal;">tûndra</span></span>
''{{lang|fr|toundra|italic=no}}'' toundra ''<span title="francosko besedilo"><span lang="fr" style="font-style: normal;">toundra</span></span>''
  • module applies italic style;
  • ignores auto-italics;
  • ignores script subtag latn
{{lang|ru|тундра|italic=yes}} тундра <span title="rusko besedilo"><i lang="ru">тундра</i></span>
{{lang|ru-latn|tûndra|italic=yes}} tûndra <span title="rusko besedilo"><i lang="ru-Latn">tûndra</i></span>
  • module applies no style;
  • inherits style from external markup;
  • disables auto-italics
  • overrides script subtag latn;
{{lang|ru|тундра|italic=unset}} тундра <span title="rusko besedilo"><span lang="ru">тундра</span></span>
''{{lang|ru|тундра|italic=unset}}'' тундра ''<span title="rusko besedilo"><span lang="ru">тундра</span></span>''
{{lang|ru-latn|tûndra|italic=unset}} tûndra <span title="rusko besedilo"><span lang="ru-Latn">tûndra</span></span>
''{{lang|ru-latn|tûndra|italic=unset}}'' tûndra ''<span title="rusko besedilo"><span lang="ru-Latn">tûndra</span></span>''
  • module applies no style;
  • inverts style in internal markupdagger;
  • disables auto-italics
  • overrides script subtag latn;
{{lang|ru|тундра|italic=invert}} тундра <span title="rusko besedilo"><span lang="ru">''тундра''</span></span>
{{lang|ru|''тундра''|italic=invert}} тундра <span title="rusko besedilo"><span lang="ru">тундра</span></span>
{{lang|ru-latn|tûndra|italic=invert}} tûndra <span title="rusko besedilo"><span lang="ru-Latn">''tûndra''</span></span>
{{lang|ru-latn|''tûndra''|italic=invert}} tûndra <span title="rusko besedilo"><span lang="ru-Latn">tûndra</span></span>

dagger compare |italic=invert to |italic=unset:

{{Lang|de|... ein neues Opernprojekt in Angriff: ''Das Käthchen von Heilbronn'', nach Heinrich von Kleists gleichnamigem Drama.|italic=invert}}
... ein neues Opernprojekt in Angriff: Das Käthchen von Heilbronn, nach Heinrich von Kleists gleichnamigem Drama.
{{Lang|de|''... ein neues Opernprojekt in Angriff: ''Das Käthchen von Heilbronn'', nach Heinrich von Kleists gleichnamigem Drama.''|italic=unset}}
... ein neues Opernprojekt in Angriff: Das Käthchen von Heilbronn, nach Heinrich von Kleists gleichnamigem Drama.

the function selector parameter

[uredi kodo]

{{lang}} uses the Lua function lang() Module:Lang. That module also supports all of the {{lang-??}} templates using the Lua functions lang_xx_inherit() and lang_xx_italic(). The module has other functions that may be useful. The function selector parameter |fn= tells module:lang which function to execute. The available functions are:

  • is_ietf_tag – returns true if the provided IETF language tag is valid; nil else
    • {{lang|fn=is_ietf_tag|nv}} →true←
    • {{lang|fn=is_ietf_tag|xx}} →←
  • is_lang_name – returns true if the provided language name is valid; nil else
    • {{lang|fn=is_lang_name|navajo}} →←
    • {{lang|fn=is_lang_name|xxxxx}} →←
  • lang – the function that renders {{lang}}; listed here for completeness, this particular usage is more-or-less pointless
  • lang_xx_inherit – the function that renders {{lang-??}} template where the text is not italicized; can be used when a {{lang-??}} template, for example {{lang-aao}}, does not exist for a particular language:
    • {{lang|fn=lang_xx_inherit|code=aao|Algerian Saharan Arabic text}}Algerian Saharan Arabic Algerian Saharan Arabic text
  • lang_xx_italic – the function that renders {{lang-??}} template where the text is italicized; can be used when a {{lang-??}} template, for example {{lang-svc}}, does not exist for a particular language:
    • {{lang|fn=lang_xx_italic|code=svc|Vincentian Creole English text}}Vincentian Creole English Vincentian Creole English text
  • name_from_tag – returns the language name associated with the provided IETF language tag:
    • {{lang|fn=name_from_tag|apa}} → apaško
  • tag_from_name – returns the ISO 639 language code (sometimes IETF language tag) associated with the provided language name:
    • {{lang|fn=tag_from_name|havasupai}}Napaka jezik: havasupai ni bil najden. Prosimo vnesite slovensko ime jezika (recimo "francosko").
  • transl – the function that renders {{transl}}; listed here for completeness, this particular usage is more-or-less pointless
    • {{lang|fn=transl|ar|DIN|al-Ḫawārizmī}}al-Ḫawārizmī

Indicating writing script

[uredi kodo]

If necessary, an ISO 15924 script code can be appended to a language code to indicate the use of a specific script. For instance, Tajik (tg) is a language which can be found written in Arabic (Arab), Latin (Latn), and Cyrillic (Cyrl) scripts, making it necessary to always specify which script is in use. In such a case, taking care to preserve the script code's capitalization, we could end up with the following code (language tags in bold):

  • Tajik ({{lang|tg-Arab|تاجیکی}}, ''{{lang|tg-Latn|toçikī}}'', {{lang|tg-Cyrl|тоҷикӣ}})
Tajik (تاجیکی, toçikī, тоҷикӣ)

Many languages, however, are so commonly written in one particular script that specifying the script is unnecessary. Russian, for instance, is almost exclusively written in Cyrillic, so there is no need to specify ru-Cyrl, just as en-Latn would be unnecessary for English. The subtag registry contains up-to-date information on which languages have common script codes that should be "suppressed".


[uredi kodo]

To mark a language which has been transliterated from one script into another, append the new script's code to the code of the original language. So if transliterating from Russian Cyrillic to a Latin script, the language tag on the transliteration would be ru-Latn. If the transliteration scheme is known, and listed as a "variant" in the subtag registry, it can be appended after any script and region codes. For example, Chinese transliterated into a Latin script using the pinyin system would be zh-Latn-pinyin. As a convenience for transliterating to Latin scripts, and to work around browser styling issues with some language and script combinations, {{transliteration}} may be used in place of {{lang}}:

  • Moscow ({{lang|ru|Москва}}, {{transliteration|ru|Moskva}}) → Moscow (Москва, Moskva)

To specify a transliteration scheme, such as the ISO transliteration standard for Cyrillic, use {{transliteration|ru|ISO|Moskva}}.

Undetermined language

[uredi kodo]

The {{lang}} template is not only used to specify the language of foreign words, but can also be used to specify a single symbol or character in a script, unrelated to any specific language. Many times the character or symbol is used in several languages, but when the article refers to the grapheme itself, the ISO 639‑2 language code und, for Undetermined language, should be used:

  • The {{lang|und-Hani|字}} Han character has 6 strokes.
The Han character has 6 strokes.

Han characters are used in Chinese, Japanese, sometimes Korean, and formerly Vietnamese, and in this case the character is not used for any specific language. Note that the script code used is Hani, which specifies generic Han characters (Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja).

Compare {{script}} usage:

  • The {{script|Hani|字}} Han character has 6 strokes.
The Han character has 6 strokes.

Languages with no code

[uredi kodo]

Use the code "mis" (Miscellaneous) for any language not listed in ISO-639.

Indicating regional variant

[uredi kodo]

When it is necessary to indicate region-specific language, an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, or UN M49 region code, should be added to the language tag, taking care to preserve capitalization. For example, Portuguese (pt) as used in Brazil (BR) could be represented as pt-BR, and Spanish as used in Latin America as es-419.

Additionally, language, script, and region codes can all appear in the same tag. For instance, the code zh-Hant-TW should be used for Chinese text written with Traditional Han characters, containing words or expressions specific to Taiwan:

  • Taiwan ({{lang|zh-Hant-TW|臺灣}}, {{transliteration|zh|Táiwān}})
Taiwan (臺灣, Táiwān)

Private-use language tags

[uredi kodo]

This template supports various private-use IETF language tags. Private-use tags contain the -x- singleton and are used by the template to identify languages that are different, for one reason or another, from the base language identified by the ISO 639 language tag.

Podprta uporaba zasebnih jezikovnih oznak IETF
Lang Zasebna oznaka
amonitsko sem-x-ammonite
anatolsko ine-x-anatolia
aramajsko sem-x-aramaic
atiškogrško grc-x-attic
bergamaško lmo-x-berg
biblijskogrško grc-x-biblical
bizantinskogrško grc-x-byzant
demotskoegipčansko egy-x-demotic
dorskogrško grc-x-doric
dumajsko sem-x-dumaitic
eolskogrško grc-x-aeolic
hatranskoaramajsko sem-x-hatran
havasupajsko yuf-x-hav
helenističnogrško grc-x-hellen
javapajsko yuf-x-yav
jonskogrško grc-x-ionic
kanaansko sem-x-canaan
klasičnogrško grc-x-classic
koinskogrško grc-x-koine
kremsko lmo-x-cremish
kölnsko ksh-x-colog
milansko lmo-x-milanese
mitanskoarisko inc-x-mitanni
navadnobritonsko cel-x-combrit
novoasirsko akadsko akk-x-neoassyr
novobabilonsko akadsko akk-x-neobabyl
novolatinsko la-x-new
palmirskoaramajsko sem-x-palmyren
patritskogrško grc-x-patris
pontskoskitsko xsc-x-pontic
poznobabilonsko akk-x-latbabyl
poznoegipčansko egy-x-late
praalgonkijsko alg-x-proto
pragermansko gem-x-proto
pragrško grk-x-proto
praindoarisko inc-x-proto
praindoevropsko ine-x-proto
praindoiransko iir-x-proto
prairansko ira-x-proto
praitalijansko itc-x-proto
prakeltsko cel-x-proto
prasemitsko sem-x-proto
praslovansko sla-x-proto
ripuarsko mis-x-ripuar
sakajsko xsc-x-saka
sarmatsko xsc-x-sarmat
srednjeasirsko akadsko akk-x-midassyr
srednjebabilonsko akadsko akk-x-midbabyl
srednjeegiščansko egy-x-middle
srednjeveškogrško grc-x-medieval
srednjeveškolatinsko la-x-medieval
staroakadsko akk-x-old
staroasirsko akadsko akk-x-oldassyr
starobabilonsko akadsko akk-x-oldbabyl
staroegipčansko egy-x-old
starojužnoarabsko sem-x-oldsoara
starokatalonsko ca-x-old
staropruško prg-x-old
tajmansko sem-x-taymanit
valapajsko yuf-x-wal
vzhodnoguraško sem-x-egurage
vzhodnoosrednjenemško gmw-x-ecg
[uredi kodo]

If the {{lang}} template will have to be combined with links one might be tempted to move the {{lang}} template into the link so that it would only frame the link's text label, not the syntax elements of the links or other stylistic elements of some types of links. However, this does not work. The {{lang}} will have to wrap the entire link, regardless if it is an internal or external link, or a link provided through a {{ill}} interwiki link template:


Does not work:

  • [[{{lang|en|Book of hours}}]] → [[Book of hours]] (never works)
  • [[Book of hours|{{lang|de|Stundenbuch}}]]Stundenbuch (does not work in article space, works on talk and some other types of pages)
  • {{ill|Machsor Lipsiae|de|lt={{lang|he-LA|Machsor Lipsiae}}}}Machsor Lipsiae (de) (does not work in article space, works on talk and some other types of pages)


[uredi kodo]

Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Text formatting § Foreign terms requires the use of {{lang}} instead of manual ''italics''. This is preferred for the following reasons:

Applying styles

[uredi kodo]

Registered users can apply custom CSS styles to articles by placing style declarations in their user style sheet. The user style sheet can be created at Special:Mypage/common.css. For more information, see Help:User style. The following examples should work in most modern browsers.

To apply a specific font to all text marked as Russian of any script or region:

[lang|=ru] { font-family: fonteskaya; }
/*   or   */
:lang(ru) { font-family: fonteskaya; }

To apply a specific font to text marked simply as Russian:

[lang=ru] { font-family: fonteskaya; }

To apply a color to all text marked with any language:

[lang] { color: green; }

If a font name contains characters besides basic Latin letters or hyphens, it is a good idea to enclose it in quotation marks because some such characters have special meanings (the most common case needing quotation marks is a multi-word font name with space characters). Quotation marks are also required for font families containing generic-family keywords ('inherit', 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'monospace', 'fantasy', and 'cursive'). See the W3C for more details.

You can combine this with font imports in your user stylesheet, for example, to show all German text in Fraktur and all Urdu in Noto Nastaliq Urdu Regular:

@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=UnifrakturMaguntia);
@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/earlyaccess/notonastaliqurdudraft.css);

:lang(de) {
   font-family: UnifrakturMaguntia;
   font-style: normal;
   font-weight: normal;

:lang(ur) {
    font-family: "Noto Nastaliq Urdu Regular", "Noto Nastaliq Urdu";

then the following wikitext will look like the image below:

Victor jagt zwölf Boxkämpfer quer über den Sylter Deich

{{lang|de-Latf|Victor jagt zwölf Boxkämpfer quer über den Sylter Deich}}

ٹھنڈ میں، ایک قحط زدہ گاؤں سے گزرتے وقت ایک چڑچڑے، بااثر و فارغ شخص کو بعض جل پری نما اژدہے نظر آئے۔

{{lang|ur|ٹھنڈ میں، ایک قحط زدہ گاؤں سے گزرتے وقت ایک چڑچڑے، بااثر و فارغ شخص کو بعض جل پری نما اژدہے نظر آئے۔}}

Tracking categories

[uredi kodo]


[uredi kodo]
To je dokumentacija TemplateData za predlogo, ki jo uporabljajo Vizualni urejevalnik in druga orodja; glejte mesečno poročilo o uporabi parametrov za to predlogo.

TemplateData za Lang

Indicate that a given span of text belongs to a particular language. Allows browsers to correctly present and pronounce foreign languages.

Parametri predloge[Urejanje podatkov predloge]

Za to predlogo se uporablja postavitev parametrov v eni vrstici.

Language tag1 code

A language tag, or an ISO 639 language code.

Text2 text

The text belonging to the language specified.

Je suis française.
Right to leftrtl

Indicates that the language should be displayed from right to left.

Italicizeitalic italics i

Italicizes the text


sets font-size

120%, 1.2em

brez opisa


brez opisa


See also

[uredi kodo]


[uredi kodo]
  1. "Language tags in HTML and XML" at World Wide Web Consortium
  2. Heilmann, Chris (13. marec 2008). »Yahoo! search results now with natural language support«. Yahoo! Developer Network Blog. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 25. januarja 2009. Pridobljeno 28. februarja 2015.
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 Ishida, Richard (18. november 2014). »Why use the language attribute?«. World Wide Web Consortium. Pridobljeno 1. marca 2015.
  4. »6.4 Ligatures: the font-variant-ligatures property«. CSS Fonts Module Level 3 W3C Candidate Recommendation 3 October 2013.
[uredi kodo]