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This template {{cvt}} is similar to {{convert}}, with one change: {{cvt}} has option |abbr=on preset.

Predloga {{convert}} preračunava iz ene merske enote v drugo, ter nato izpiše formatiran rezultat. Na primer:

{{convert|2|km|mi}} → 2 km (1,2 mi) (vhodni podatek v km, pretvorjen v milje)
{{convert|7|mi|km}} → 7 mi (11 km) (vhodni podatek v mi, pretvorjen v km)

Števila se lahko zaokrožijo, enote so lahko okrajšane s simboli:

{{convert|2|km|mi|2|abbr=on}} → 2 km (1,24 mi)
{{convert|7|mi|km|2|abbr=on}} → 7 mi (11,27 km)

Vrednosti imajo lahko razpon z uporabo |to|... ali |-|...:

{{convert|2|to|5|km|mi}} → 2 do 5 km (1,2 do 3,1 mi)
{{convert|2|-|5|km|mi}} → 2–5 km (1,2–3,1 mi)

Zgled za kombinirani učinek:

{{convert|2|-|5|km|mi|2|abbr=on}} → 2–5 km (1,24–3,11 mi)
{{convert|2|and|5|km|mi|sigfig=3|abbr=off}} → 2 in 5 kilometrov (1,24 in 3,11 milje)

Enote za pretvorbo

[uredi kodo]

Vnesite enoto za pretvorbo iz v:

  • {{convert|1|lb|kg}} → 1 lb (0,45 kg)
SI enote na splošno uporabljajo tudi prefikse, kot je "m" za mili (10−3) in "M" za mega (106)
Za "na" enote, uporabite "/" (slash): kg/ha
Za enote sestavljene iz treh-enot, itg.: glejte kat:Convert-like templates

Ime enote ali simbol (okrajšava): 1 funt ali 1 lb?

[uredi kodo]

Prednastavljeno, prva kvantiteta prikazuje ime enote, druga pa simbol (ali okrajšavo):

  • {{convert|1|lb|kg}} → 1 lb (0,45 kg)

Uporaba |abbr=in pomeni obratno obnašanje kot je prednastavljeno:

  • {{convert|1|lb|kg|abbr=in}} → 1 lb (0,45 kilograma)

Za okrajšanje obeh ali nobenega:

  • {{convert|1|lb|kg|abbr=on}} → 1 lb (0,45 kg)
  • {{convert|1|lb|kg|abbr=off}} → 1 funt (0,45 kilograma)

Pripomoček: {{cvt}} ima prednastavljeno |abbr=on

[uredi kodo]

Predloga {{cvt}} je podobna predlogi {{convert}}, z izjemo tega, da ima prednastavljeno |abbr=on. V {{cvt}}, so omgočene vse ostale opcije. Zatorej:

{{cvt|1|lb|kg}} → 1 lb (0,45 kg)

je enako:

{{convert|1|lb|kg|abbr=on}} → 1 lb (0,45 kg)

Pridevnik: 10 miljna razdalja

[uredi kodo]

Uporabite |adj=on, da izpišete pridevniško obliko. V slovenski Wikipediji zaradi sklanjanja vedno uporabljamo okrajšave, zato ta možnost pri nas ne pride do izraza:

  • A {{convert|10|mi|km|adj=on}} distance → A 10 mi (16 km) distance.

Default behaviour, for comparison:

  • {{convert|10|mi|km}} to go → 10 mi (16 km) to go.

Zaokroževanje: 100 ft je 30 m ali 30,5 m ali 30,48 m?

[uredi kodo]

Po definicij, je 100 ft enako 30,48 m. Zaradi praktične uporabe se izračunane vrednosti zaokrožujejo. Glede tega obstaja več opcij.

Prednastavljeno zaokroževanje

[uredi kodo]

Prednastavljeno predloga {{Convert}}, izpiše pretvorjen rezultat z natančnostjo, ki je primerljiva vhodni vrednosti ali z dvema decimalkama. Izjema je zaokroževanje temperature (glejte spodaj).

Primerii zaokroževanja
Input Izpis Opomba
{{convert|123|ft|m|-1}} 123 ft (40 m)
{{convert|123|ft|m}} 123 ft (37 m) enak izpis kot z 0 (spodaj)
{{convert|123|ft|m|0}} 123 ft (37 m)
{{convert|123|ft|m|1}} 123 ft (37,5 m)
{{convert|123|ft|m|2}} 123 ft (37,49 m) točna vrednost je 37,4904 m
{{convert|500|ft|m|-1}} 500 ft (150 m)
{{convert|500|ft|m}} 500 ft (150 m) enak izpis kot z −1 (zgoraj), ker je faktor pretvorbe med 0,2 in 2 (hence, it should produce same double-zero precision (−2) as in the input value), toda pretvorba mora izpisati dve najmanj decimalki (hence, a higher single-zero precision (−1) is used)
{{convert|500|ft|m|0}} 500 ft (152 m)
{{convert|500|ft|m|1}} 500 ft (152,4 m)
{{convert|500|ft|m|2}} 500 ft (152,40 m) točna vrednost je 152,4 m
{{convert|500|ft|cm|-3}} 500 ft (15.000 cm)
{{convert|500|ft|cm}} 500 ft (15.000 cm) enak izpis kot z −3 (zgoraj), ker je faktor pretvorbe med 20 in 200 (hence, it should decrease input value's double-zero precision (−2) by 2), toda pretvorba mora izpisati dve najmanj decimalki (hence, a higher triple-zero precision (−3) is used)
{{convert|500|ft|cm|0}} 500 ft (15.240 cm)

Convert podpira štiri tipe zaokroževanja:

Round to a given precision: use a precision number

[uredi kodo]

Specify the desired precision with the fourth unnamed parameter (or third unnamed parameter if the "convert to" parameter is omitted; or fifth unnamed parameter if a range is specified; or fourth unnamed parameter again if a range is specified and the "convert to" parameter is omitted; needs to be replaced with a "precision" named parameter). The conversion is rounded off to the nearest multiple of 110 to the power of this number. For instance, if the result is 8621 and the round number is "-2", the result will be 8600. If the result is "234.0283043" and the round number is "0", the result will be 234.

Round to a given number of significant figures: |sigfig=

[uredi kodo]

To specify the output number to be with n significant figures use |sigfig=<number>:

  • {{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=4}} → 1.200 ft (365,8 m)
  • {{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=3}} → 1.200 ft (366 m)
  • {{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=2}} → 1.200 ft (370 m)
  • {{convert|1200|ft|m|sigfig=1}} → 1.200 ft (400 m)

Default behaviour, for comparison:

  • {{convert|1200|ft|m}} → 1.200 ft (370 m)

Setting |sigfig= to a value less than 1 is meaningless:

Round to a multiple of 5: 15, 20, 25, ...

[uredi kodo]

Using |round=5 rounds the outcome to a multiple of 5.

  • {{convert|10|m|ft}} → 10 m (33 ft)
  • {{convert|10|m|ft|round=5}} → 10 m (35 ft)

Similar: using |round=25 rounds the outcome to a multiple of 25.

  • {{convert|10|m|ft}} → 10 m (33 ft)
  • {{convert|10|m|ft|round=25}} → 10 m (25 ft)

Default behaviour, for comparison:

  • {{convert|10|m|ft|sigfig=4}} → 10 m (32,81 ft)

In a range, one can round each value individually to the default. Use |round=each:

  • {{convert|10 x 200 x 3000|m|ft}} → 10 m × 200 m × 3.000 m (33 ft × 656 ft × 9.843 ft)
  • {{convert|10 x 200 x 3000|m|ft|round=each}} → 10 m × 200 m × 3.000 m (33 ft × 660 ft × 9.800 ft)

Round to a multiple of a given fraction: 2+316 inch

[uredi kodo]

Specify the desired denominator using |frac=<some positive integer>. (Denominator is the below-the-slash number, for example the 3 in 13).

  • {{convert|5,56|cm|in|frac=16}} → 5,56 cm (2 316 in)
  • {{convert|8|cm|in|frac=4}} → 8 cm (3 14 in)

The fraction is reduced when possible:

  • {{convert|8|cm|in|frac=100}} → 8 cm (3 320 in)

Default behaviour uses decimal notation:

  • {{convert|5.56|cm|in}} → 556 cm (219 in)

Zaokroževanje temperatur: °C, °F in K

[uredi kodo]

In temperatures, the conversion will be rounded either to the precision comparable to that of the input value or to that which would give three significant figures when expressed in kelvins, whichever is more precise.

  1. {{convert|10.000|C|F K}} → 10.000 °C (18.000 °F; 10.300 K)
  2. {{convert|10.000,1|C|F K}} → 10.000,1 °C (18.032,2 °F; 10.273,2 K)
  3. {{convert|-272|C|F K}} → −272 °C (−457,60 °F; 1,15 K)
  4. {{convert|-272|C}} → −272 °C (−457,60 °F)
  5. {{convert|100|C|F K}} → 100 °C (212 °F; 373 K)
  6. {{convert|0|C|F K}} → 0 °C (32 °F; 273 K)

The precision of the input number in example (1) is one digit, but the precision of its Kelvins expression is three, so the precision of the Fahrenheit conversion is made three (made 180...) . (1) and (2) seem to belie the fact that a 01 degrees Celsius change is a 1,8 degrees Fahrenheit change, and make the 32 degrees difference shown in (1) begin to seem off somehow. Result (1) seems off until you set the significant figures yourself with |sigfig=:

{{convert|10000|C|sigfig=5}} → 10.000 °C (18.032 °F)

or you set the precision positionally, relative to the decimal point (zero being at the decimal point):

{{convert|10000|C|0}} → 10.000 °C (18.032 °F)

The precision of the input number in example (2) is six, so the precision of the Fahrenheit output is, whereas before, Kelvins had determined it to be three. Examples (3) and (4) show how this can be hidden and generate questions, but it occurs there because the Kelvins conversion generated two fractional parts. (Before it was the input number that generated the fractional part.) In example (3) the three input digits converted into five significant output digits because of the two digits after the decimal point, generated by the Kelvins conversion. This happened again in (5), but in (6) decimal fractions were neither given as input nor induced by the Kelvins conversion.

Rounding input

[uredi kodo]

There is limited support for rounding the displayed input number. The rounding takes place after conversion, so the output is based on the full-precision input. This is useful when the input is produced by {{#expr:}} or otherwise available to a higher precision than is usefully displayed, and it's desirable to avoid double-rounding.

To round the input to a specified number of digits after the decimal point, use one of the parameters:

  • |adj=ri0
  • |adj=ri1
  • |adj=ri2
  • |adj=ri3

Note that there is no |adj=ri-1Rdeči XN or similar for rounding above the decimal place. Neither is there support for significant figures, multiples of 5, or any other output-rounding feature.

The default precision is computed based on the input, so an explicit output precision must usually be supplied:

  • {{convert|4,14159|mi|km|adj=ri0}} → 4 mi (6,66524 km) Rdeči XN (precisions are mismatched)
  • {{convert|4,14159|mi|km|0|adj=ri0}} → 4 mi (7 km) Zelena kljukicaY

In this case, if the input were rounded before conversion, a different result would be obtained:

  • {{convert|{{#expr:4.14159 round 0}}|mi|km|0}} → 4 mi (6 km) Rdeči XN (double rounding)

Into multiple units: 10 °C (50 °F; 283 K)

[uredi kodo]

Separate the multiple output units by a space:

  • {{convert|10|C|F K}} → 10 °C (50 °F; 283 K)
  • {{convert|5|km|mi nmi}} → 5 km (3,1 mi; 2,7 nmi)

If the output unit names contain spaces, use + as the separator.

See also:o a value less than 1 is meaningless

Ranges of values

[uredi kodo]

A range converts two values and separates them by your choice of words and punctuation.

A range: 6 to 17 kg (13 to 37 lb)

[uredi kodo]

Range indicators are entered as the second parameter (between the values). Range separators can be:
Predloga:Convert/dok/range separator list

Multiple dimensions: 6 m × 12 m (20 ft × 39 ft)

[uredi kodo]

Use by:

  • {{convert|6|by|12|ft|m}} → 6 krat 12 ft (1,8 krat 3,7 m)

Use ×, multiplication sign, or x, letter:

  • {{convert|6|x|12|m|ft}} → 6 m × 12 m (20 ft × 39 ft)

In science, the formal way is to set |x| and |abbr=on (keeping dimensions right, like in area = x km2):

  • {{convert|6|x|12|m|ft|abbr=on}} → 6 m × 12 m (20 ft × 39 ft)

About feet, inch in ranges and multiples

[uredi kodo]

While it is possible to enter feet, inch in a simple conversion, this is not possible for ranges:

Default behaviour, for comparison:

  • {{convert|1|ft|3|in|mm}} → 1 ft 3 in (380 mm)


[uredi kodo]

Spelling of unit name: UK metre or US meter?

[uredi kodo]

Default spelling of units is en-UK. To show en-US spelling, use |sp=us:

{{convert|1|m|ft}} → 1 m (3,3 ft)—default
{{convert|1|m|ft|sp=us}} → 1 m (3,3 ft)

Spell out numbers: ten miles

[uredi kodo]

To write a number in words, use |spell=in:

  • {{convert|10|mi|m|spell=in}} → deset mi (16.000 m)

To spell out both in and out values, use |spell=on:

  • {{convert|10|mi|m|spell=on}} → deset milj (šestnajst tisoč metrov)

To make first letter a capital, use |spell=In, |spell=On

  • {{convert|10|mi|m|spell=In}} → Deset mi (16.000 m)
  • {{convert|10|mi|m|spell=On}} → Deset milj (šestnajst tisoč metrov)

Remember that the spelling of the units (ft, m) is independently set by |abbr=. To the extreme:

  • {{convert|10|mi|m|spell=on|abbr=off|sp=us}} → deset milj (šestnajst tisoč metrov)

Inserted before units: 4 planted acres

[uredi kodo]
  • {{convert|4|acre||adj=pre|planted}} → 4 planted akri (1,6 ha)

disp=preunit is similar, but has no separator after the specified text, and can have different text for the output value:

  • {{convert|4|acre||disp=preunit|planted }} → 4 planted akri (1,6 planted ha)
  • {{convert|4|acre||disp=preunit|planted |reforested-}} → 4 planted akri (1,6 reforested-ha)

After adjective unit: A 10 ft-long corridor

[uredi kodo]

Note that two units (in this case, ft and m) are required. Use with just one unit will generate an error message.

{{convert|10|ft|m|adj=mid|-long}} → 10 ft-long (3,0 m)

Plurals: 1 inch, 2 inches

[uredi kodo]

The unit symbol is singular always. Depending on the preceding number only, a unit name can be shown plural.


Entering the unit spelled |foot| forces singular output "foot", whatever the number is.

  • {{convert|100|foot|abbr=off}} → 100 čevelj (30 metrov)

Fractions: one-eighth of an imperial pint

[uredi kodo]

The convert template also supports spelling out fractions.

  • {{convert|3+1/2|oz|g|spell=in}} → tri and a half oz (99 g)

Any additional words needed for the fraction can also be added at the end of the template.

  • {{convert|1/8|imppt|ml|spell=in|adj=pre|of an}} → one-eighth of an imp pt (71 ml)

Wrapping and line breaking

[uredi kodo]
See Help:Convert § Wrapping and line breaking

Spelling out "thousands", "millions", etc.

[uredi kodo]

Most unit codes accept a prefix of e3 (thousand) or e6 (million) or e9 (billion).

  • {{convert|100|e6mi|e6km}} → 100×10^6 mi (160×10^6 km)
  • {{convert|120|e6acre}} → 120×10^6 akrov (490.000 km2)
  • {{convert|120|e6acre|e3km2}} → 120×10^6 akrov (490×10^3 km2)

To display both input and output in scientific notation, use |abbr=on

  • {{convert|100|e6mi|e6km|abbr=on}} → 100×10^6 mi (160×10^6 km)

To spell out "thousands", "millions", etc., |abbr=unit abbreviates the unit; |abbr=off displays both full unit names.

  • {{convert|100|e6mi|e6km|abbr=unit}} → 100 milijon mi (160 milijon km)
  • {{convert|100|e6mi|e6km|abbr=off}} → 100 milijon milj (160 milijon kilometrov)


[uredi kodo]

Uporaba SI prefiksa: gigameter (Gm) ali mikrometer (μm)=

[uredi kodo]
Predpona SI
Ime Simbol Faktor
jota Y 1024
zeta Z 1021
eksa E 1018
peta P 1015
tera T 1012
giga G 109
mega M 106
kilo k 103
hekto h 102
deka da 101
(brez) (brez)  1
deci d 10−1
centi c 10−2
milli m 10−3
micro μ 10−6
nano n 10−9
pico p 10−12
femto f 10−15
atto a 10−18
zepto z 10−21
yocto y 10−24
p · p · u · z

Units can have an SI prefix like G before the unit: Gm, and giga before the name: gigameter. These are plain multiplication factors.

To illustrate, these are trivial calculations (from meter to meter), showing the multiplication factor:

  • 12 Gm (1,2×1010 m)
  • 12 µm (1,2×10−5 m)

The prefix can be added before the SI unit (here: unit m for meter):

  • {{convert|12|Gm|mi|abbr=on}} → 12 Gm (7.500.000 mi)
  • Mm: 12 Mm (7.500 mi)
  • km: 12 km (39.000 ft)
  • mm: 12 mm (0,47 in)
  • μm: 12 µm (0,012 mm)
  • um: 12 µm (0,012 mm) (letter "u" can be used for "μ" here)

The prefix can be used in the output unit:

  • {{convert|12000|mi|Mm|abbr=on}} → 12.000 mi (19 Mm)
  • {{convert|12|in|μm|abbr=on}} → 12 in (300.000 µm)

As an exception, the non-SI unit "inch" can have the "μ" prefix too)

  • {{convert|12|μm|μin|abbr=on}} → 12 µm (470 µin)

Engineering notation: 7 × 106 m

[uredi kodo]

In the unit: e6m

[uredi kodo]

Engineering notation can be entered as a "prefix" to the unit:

  • {{convert|70|e6m}} → 70×10^6 m (230.000.000 ft)

The same is possible for the output unit:

  • {{convert|23.000.000|ft|e6m}} → 23.000.000 ft (7,0×10^6 m)

Any standard unit (not a combination, multiple, or built-in unit) can have such a prefix:

  • e3 (tisoč),
  • e6 (milijon),
  • e9 (billion),
  • e12 (trillion),
  • e15 (quadrillion).

Scientific notation: 1.23 × 10−14

[uredi kodo]

In scientific notation, a number is written like 1,23×10−14. The plain number has exactly one digit before the decimal point.

With {{convert}}, the input can be in e-notation such as 12,3e4. This value is displayed as a power of ten, and the output is displayed in scientific notation, except that an output value satisfying 0,01 <= v < 1000 is shown as a normal number. In addition, if the output value is 1000 and sigfig=4 is used, the value is displayed as a normal number.

  • {{convert|12,3e-15|atm|atm|abbr=on}} → 12,3×10−15 atm (1,23×10−14 atm)
  • {{convert|0,00000005|atm|atm|abbr=on}} → 0,00000005 atm (5,0×10−8 atm)

Input with fractions: 1 12 in (38,1 mm)

[uredi kodo]

The number to convert can be written in fractions. Both / (keyboard slash) and (fraction slash) are accepted:

  • {{convert|1/2|in|mm|1}}12 in (12,7 mm)
  • {{convert|1⁄2|in|mm|1}}12 in (12,7 mm)

With positive mixed numbers (a positive integer and a fraction), use a + sign

  • {{convert|2+1⁄2|in|mm|1}}2 12 in (63,5 mm)

With negative mixed numbers, use a hyphen - and repeat it:

  • {{convert|-2-1⁄2|in|mm|1}}−2 12 in (−63,5 mm)

Note that the following cases are not interpreted as mixed numbers:

  • {{convert|2-1⁄2|in|mm|1}} → 2–12 in (50,8–12,7 mm). This is interpreted as a range from 2 inches to 1⁄2 inch.
  • {{convert|-2+1⁄2|in|mm|1}}[convert: neveljavno število] Rdeči XN This is neither a mixed number nor a range, and mathematical expressions requiring calculations are not allowed here.

Output with horizontal fraction bar in: 1/2 inch

[uredi kodo]

Using a double slash (//) returns a horizontal bar fraction:

  • {{convert|1//2|in|mm|1}}1/2 in (12,7 mm)
  • {{convert|2+1//2|in|mm|1}}2 1/2 in (63,5 mm)

Ločevanje tisočic: 1.000 mi ali 1000 mi

[uredi kodo]

In input, a comma for thousands separator is accepted but not required; a gap (space) is not accepted. In output, by default, the thousand separator is the comma:

  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft}} → 1.234.567 m (4.050.417 ft)
  • {{convert|1.234.567|m|ft}} → 1.234.567 m (4.050.417 ft)
  • {{convert|1 234 567|m|ft}}[convert: neveljavno število] Rdeči XN

Set |comma=off to remove the separator from the output:

  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft|comma=off}} → 1234567 m (4050417 ft)

Use |comma=gaps to use digit grouping by gap (thin space) as a thousands separator:

  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft|comma=gaps}}1234567 m (4050417 ft)

Default behaviour, for comparison:

  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft}} → 1.234.567 m (4.050.417 ft)

Setting |comma=5 will only add the separator when the number of digits is 5 or more:

  • {{convert|1234|m|ft|comma=5}} → 1234 m (4049 ft)
  • {{convert|1234567|m|ft|comma=5}} → 1.234.567 m (4.050.417 ft)

Default behaviour, for comparison:

  • {{convert|1234|m|ft}} → 1.234 m (4.049 ft)

Urejanje izpisa

[uredi kodo]

Oklepaji in separatorji: 10 m [33 ft]

[uredi kodo]

Punctuation that distinguishes the two measurements is set by |disp=.
Options are: b (the default), sqbr, comma, or, br, x|…:

  • {{convert|10|m|ft|disp=sqbr}} → 10 m [33 ft]
  • {{convert|10|m|ft|disp=comma}} → 10 m, 33 ft
  • {{convert|10|m|ft|disp=or}} → 10 m ali 33 ft

Default behaviour, for comparison:

  • {{convert|10|m|ft}} → 10 m (33 ft)

Setting |disp=br will force a new line (<br/>)

  • {{convert|10|m|ft|disp=br}} → 10 m
    33 ft

Also |disp=br() will force a new line, and keep the brackets (useful in tables):

  • {{convert|10|m|ft|disp=br()}} → 10 m
    (33 ft)

Setting |disp=x|… allows any text as separator:

  • {{convert|10|m|ft|disp=x|_MyText_}} → 10 m_MyText_33 ft (To display spaces, use &nbsp;)

Flipping (reordering) the two measurements: 1.609,3 metra (1 milja)

[uredi kodo]

Setting |order=flip will flip (swap) the two measurements:

  • {{convert|1|mi|m|order=flip}} → 1.609,3 metra (1 milja)

Default behaviour, for comparison:

  • {{convert|1|mi|m}} → 1 milja (1.609,3 metra)

When converting to multiple units, the effect is:

  • {{convert|10|km|mi nmi|order=flip}} → 6,2137 milje; 5,3996 morske milje (10 kilometrov)
  • {{convert|10|km|nmi mi|order=flip}} → 5,3996 morske milje; 6,2137 milje (10 kilometrov)

Fixed ordering of output units: 212 °F (100 °C; 373 K)

[uredi kodo]

Setting |order=out shows the output-units as ordered; the input unit is skipped:

  • {{convert|100|C|F C K|abbr=on|order=out}} → 212 °F (100 °C; 373 K)
  • {{convert|200|PS|kW hp|0|abbr=on|order=out}} → 147 kW (197 hp)

See also: § Displaying parts of the output.

Displaying parts of the result: 2 (1,5)

[uredi kodo]

It is possible to display only parts of the conversion result:

Convert Izpis Vrne
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3}} 2 cu yd (1,5 m3) Regular output (for comparison)
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|abbr=values}} 2 (1,5) Input and output numbers
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=unit}} cu yd Input unit
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=unit|adj=on}} cu yd Input unit, adjective (hyphenated)
{{convert|2|cuyd|cuyd|disp=out}} 2,0 cu yd Input (workaround. Note repetition of unit in input)
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|abbr=~}} 2 cu yd [cu yd] (1,5 m3) Input: both name and symbol
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=unit2}} m3 Output unit (symbol)
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=unit2|abbr=off}} kubičnega metra Output unit (name)
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=number}} 1,5 Output value
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=out}} 1,5 m3 Output value and unit name
{{convert|2|cuyd|m3|disp=out|abbr=off}} 1,5 kubičnega metra Output value and unit symbol

Izpis vhodnega imena in simbola: 2 kilopascals [kPa]

[uredi kodo]

Setting |abbr=~ returns both name and symbol of the first (input) unit:

  • {{convert|2|kPa|psi|abbr=~}} → 2 kPa [kPa] (0,29 psi)
  • A {{convert|2|kPa|psi|abbr=~|adj=on}} pressureA 2 kPa [kPa] (0,29 psi) pressure

Opcije za tabelo

[uredi kodo]

For the wikitable structure, there are three options: add a line-break, split the result over columns and make the table sortable.

Vsiljen znak za novo vrsto

[uredi kodo]

|disp=br adds a line-break and omits brackets.

|disp=br() adds a line-break and does add brackets to the converted value. This may be useful in tables:

|disp=br |disp=br()
100 km
62 mi
100 km
(62 mi)

Stolpci v tabeli prikazujejo le števila

[uredi kodo]

Using {convert} in a table cell, with |disp=table splits the result over two columns:



|disp=tablecen does the same, and also centers the text:



The units are added as a column header:

  m ft
|disp=table 10 33
|disp=tablecen 20 66
|disp=<other> (default) 30 m (98 ft)


[uredi kodo]

Use |sortable=on to include a hidden numerical sortkey in the output, suitable for use in a table with sortable columns. Technically, this places a hidden string before the actual displayed values:

{{convert|10|m|ft|sortable=on}} → <span style="display:none">7001100000000000000</span>10 metres (33&nbsp;ft)

Use both |disp=table and |sortable=on together to produce table columns (pipe symbols) for each value in sortable columns:

m ft
A 15 34 52
B 15,5 51
C 16,0 52,5
D 16 52

The generated sortkey is calculated in a consistent way based on both the value and its unit as passed to the convert template. In most cases convert uses the passed value converted to SI base units. It is therefore not necessarily the displayed value or other alternate units and is calculated regardless of output format options. Using different units or different order of units in individual rows should therefore not lead to incorrect sorting, although variations in rounding can give surprising results, since an unrounded number is used for the sortkey.


[uredi kodo]

The conversion factors and physical constants are sourced here.

Vse enote

[uredi kodo]

The table below lists units supported by this template. It is divided up according to the quantity being measured. Not all supported units are listed here; there are links to more complete lists for each quantity.

The codes listed in the code column (column 3) are accepted as input by the template. These can be used as the second or third unnamed parameter. For some units there exist alternative codes. These are listed in brackets and have been incorporated to make the code more flexible for editors, e.g. °F or F may be entered.

The codes listed in the combinations column (column 7) can be used to produce multiple conversions. They can only be used as the third unnamed parameter, e.g. {{convert|55|nmi|km mi}} produces "55 nmi (102 km; 63 mi)".

Abridged list of units supported by {{Convert}}
sistem enota enota-
simbol ali
opombe vzorec
izhodnih enot
sistem(i), ki jim enota pripada enote navedene z imenom enota-koda za uporabo v predlogi izhodni simboli druge opombe o enotah vzorec pretvorbe izhodne kode za kombinacije pretvorb

(Polni seznam)
sistem enota enota-
simbol ali
opombe vzorec
izhodnih enot
SI Mm Mm Mm US spelling: megameter
10 Mm (6.200 mi)
km km km US spelling: kilometer
10 km (6,2 mi)
  • km mi
m m m US spelling: meter
10 m (33 ft)
  • m ft
  • m ftin
cm cm cm US spelling: centimeter
10 cm (3,9 in)
  • cm in
mm mm mm US spelling: millimeter
10 mm (0,39 in)
  • mm in
µm μm (um) µm US spelling: micrometer
10 µm (0,00039 in)
nm nm nm US spelling: nanometer
10 nm (3,9×10−7 in)
non-SI metric Å Å
Å 10 Å (3,9×10−8 in)
US customary
mi mi mi 10 mi (16 km)
  • mi km
furlong furlong (none) 10 furlong (6.600 ft; 2.000 m)
chain chain (none) 10 chain (660 ft; 200 m)
rd rd rd For other names of this unit see the full list. 10 rd (160 ft; 50 m)
fathom fathom (none) assumes 1 fathom ≡ 6 ft 10 fathom (60 ft; 18 m)
yd yd yd assumes the international definition 10 yd (9,1 m)
ft ft (foot) ft code "foot" will show "foot" if plural.

code "ft" will show "foot" or "feet" depending on value.

10 ft (3,0 m)
  • ftin (feet and inches)
  • ft m (foot m)
in in in 10 in (250 mm)
  • in cm
  • in mm
Other nmi nmi nmi the international standard nautical mile
For other nautical miles see the full list.
10 nmi (19 km; 12 mi)
pc pc pc 10 pc (33 ly)
ly ly ly 10 ly (630.000 AU)
AU AU AU 10 AU (1,5×109 km; 930.000.000 mi)

(Polni seznam)
sistem enota enota-
simbol ali
opombe vzorec
izhodnih enot
SI km2 km2 km2 US spelling: square kilometer
10 km2 (3,9 sq mi)
  • km2 sqmi
m2 m2 m2 US spelling: square meter
10 m2 (110 sq ft)
  • m2 sqft
cm2 cm2 cm2 US spelling: square centimeter
10 cm2 (1,6 sq in)
  • cm2 sqin
mm2 mm2 mm2 US spelling: square millimeter
10 mm2 (0,016 sq in)
  • mm2 sqin
non-SI metric ha ha ha 10 ha (25 akrov)
US customary
sq mi sqmi sq mi 10 sq mi (26 km2)
  • sqmi km2
aker acre (none) 10 akrov (4,0 ha)
sq yd sqyd sq yd 10 sq yd (8,4 m2)
sq ft sqft
sq ft code "sqfoot" will show "square foot" if plural.

code "sqfoot" will show "foot" or "feet" depending on value.

10 sq ft (0,93 m2)
  • sqft m2 (sqfoot m2)
sq in sqin sq in 10 sq in (65 cm2)
  • sqin cm2
Other sq nmi sqnmi sq nmi 10 sq nmi (34 km2; 13 sq mi)
dunam dunam (none) For alternative spellings and definitions see the full list 10 dunam (0,010 km2; 0,0039 sq mi)
tsubo tsubo (none) 10 tsubo (33 m2)

(Polni seznam)
sistem enota enota-
simbol ali
opombe vzorec
izhodnih enot
SI m3 m3 m3 US spelling: cubic meter
one kilolitre
10 m3 (350 cu ft)
cm3 cm3 cm3 US spelling: cubic centimeter
one millilitre
10 cm3 (0,61 cu in)
cc cc
mm3 mm3 mm3 US spelling: cubic millimeter
10 mm3 (0,00061 cu in)
non-SI metric kl kl kl US spelling: kiloliter
one cubic metre
10 kl (350 cu ft)
kL kL
l l l US spelling: liter
one cubic decimetre
Allows triple output units. See: polni seznam.
10 l (2,2 imp gal; 2,6 US gal)
  • l impgal
  • l USgal
  • l U.S.gal
  • l USdrygal
  • l U.S.drygal
  • L impgal
  • L impqt
  • L USgal
  • L U.S.gal
  • L USdrygal
  • L U.S.drygal
cl cl cl US spelling: centiliter
10 cl (3,5 imp fl oz; 3,4 US fl oz)
cL cL
ml ml ml US spelling: milliliter
one cubic centimetre
10 ml (0,35 imp fl oz; 0,34 US fl oz)
  • ml impoz
  • ml USoz
  • ml U.S.oz
mL mL
  • mL impoz
  • mL USoz
  • mL U.S.oz
US customary
cu yd cuyd cu yd 10 cu yd (7,6 m3)
cu ft cuft (cufoot) cu ft code "cufoot" will show "cubic foot" if plural.

code "cufoot" will show "foot" or "feet" depending on value.

10 cu ft (0,28 m3)
cu in cuin cu in 10 cu in (160 cm3)
Imperial imp bbl impbbl imp bbl 36 imp gal 10 imp bbl (1.600 l; 360 imp gal; 430 US gal)
imp bsh impbsh imp bsh 8 imp gal 10 imp bsh (360 l; 80 imp gal; 83 US dry gal)
impbu imp bu
imp gal impgal imp gal 4.54609 litres by definition, also
4 imp qt or 8 imp pt or 160 imp fl oz
Allows triple output units. See: polni seznam.
10 imp gal (45 l; 12 US gal)
  • impgal l
  • impgal L
  • impgal USgal
  • impgal U.S.gal
  • impgal USdrygal
  • impgal U.S.drygal
imp qt impqt imp qt 1/4 imp gal or 40 imp fl oz 10 imp qt (11.000 ml; 380 US fl oz)
imp pt imppt imp pt 1/8 imp gal or 20 imp fl oz 10 imp pt (5,7 l)
imp fl oz impoz (impfloz) imp fl oz 1/160 imp gal 10 imp fl oz (280 ml; 9,6 US fl oz)
  • impoz USoz
  • impoz U.S.oz
  • impoz ml
  • impoz mL
US customary
liquid measure
US bbl USbbl US bbl 31½ US gal
used for liquids except for oil and beer (see the full list)
10 US bbl (1.200 l; 310 US gal; 260 imp gal)
U.S.bbl U.S. bbl
bbl oilbbl bbl 42 US gal 10 bbl (1,6 m3)
US bbl USbeerbbl
US bbl 10 US bbl (1.200 l; 310 US gal; 260 imp gal)
U.S. bbl
US gal USgal US gal 231 cubic inches by definition, also
4 US qt or 8 US pt or 128 US fl oz
Allows triple output units. See: polni seznam.
10 US gal (38 l; 8,3 imp gal)
  • USgal l
  • USgal L
  • USgal impgal
U.S.gal U.S. gal
  • USgal l
  • USgal L
  • USgal impgal
US qt USqt US qt 1/4 US gal or 32 US fl oz 10 US qt (9.500 ml)
U.S.qt U.S. qt
US pt USpt US pt 1/8 US gal or 16 US fl oz 10 US pt (4,7 l; 8,3 imp pt)
U.S.pt U.S. pt
US fl oz USoz
US fl oz 1/128 US gal 10 US fl oz (300 ml)
  • USoz ml
  • USoz mL
  • USoz impoz
U.S. fl oz
  • U.S.oz ml
  • U.S.oz mL
  • U.S.oz impoz
US customary
dry measure
US dry bbl USdrybbl US dry bbl 105/32 US bsh 10 US dry bbl (1,2 m3)
U.S.drybbl U.S. dry bbl
US bsh USbsh US bsh 2150.42 cubic inches by definition 10 US bsh (350 l; 80 US dry gal; 78 imp gal)
U.S.bsh U.S. bsh
US bu USbu US bu 2150.42 cubic inches by definition 10 US bu (350 l; 80 US dry gal; 78 imp gal)
U.S.bu U.S. bu
US dry gal USdrygal US dry gal 1/8 US bsh
Allows triple output units. See: polni seznam.
10 US dry gal (44 l)
  • USdrygal l
  • USdrygal L
  • USdrygal impgal
U.S.drygal U.S. dry gal
  • U.S.drygal l
  • U.S.drygal L
  • U.S.drygal impgal
US dry qt USdryqt US dry qt 1/32 US bsh 10 US dry qt (11.000 ml)
U.S.dryqt U.S. dry qt
US dry pt USdrypt US dry pt 1/32 US bsh 10 US dry pt (5.500 ml)
U.S.drypt U.S. dry pt

Predloga:Convert/list of units/speed/short list Predloga:Convert/list of units/force/short list Predloga:Convert/list of units/energy/short list Predloga:Convert/list of units/temperature/short list Predloga:Convert/list of units/mass/short list Predloga:Convert/list of units/torque/short list Predloga:Convert/list of units/extra

'na' enote: kg/hl

[uredi kodo]

When using a slash (/), a unit like kg/hl is recognized as kilograms per hectolitre and will be converted with other mass/volume units.

  • {{convert|1000|kg/hl}}Napaka Lua v Modul:Convert v vrstici 645: attempt to index field 'per_unit_fixups' (a nil value).

Units of difference: Expressing a change or difference in temperature

[uredi kodo]

We have already discussed standard temperature conversions (°C, °F, K), as shown in these two examples:

  • {{convert|10|C}} → 10 °C (50 °F) (standard temperature conversion)
  • {{convert|10–15|C}} → 10–15 °C (50–59 °F) (standard temperature range conversion)

When expressing a temperature change (e.g., "The temperature increased by 10 °C"), or when comparing temperatures (e.g., "10 to 15 °C warmer"), we cannot use the standard temperature units (|C, |F and |K), which refer to points on the respective scale. Instead, we must use one of the following "units of difference": |C-change, |F-change and |K-change.

Compare the following two examples with the two above:

  • {{convert|10|C-change}} → 10 °C (18 °F) increase in temperature
  • {{convert|10–15|C-change}} → 10–15 °C (18–27 °F) warmer than normal

To produce multiple units in the output:

  • {{convert|10|C-change|F-change K-change}} → 10 °C (18 °F; 10 K) difference

Več enot: 1 ft 5 in

[uredi kodo]

In input

[uredi kodo]

Base document § Input multiples lists options for multiple unit input (like ft,in). It can catch predefined sets only (units that can be subdivided; e.g., yd into ft):

  • {{convert|1|yd|2|ft|3|in}} → 1 yd 2 ft 3 in (1,60 m)
  • {{convert|2|ft|3|in|cm}} → 2 ft 3 in (69 cm)
  • {{convert|1|lb|5|oz|g}} → 1 lb 5 oz (600 g)

In output

[uredi kodo]

Available multiple-unit output options predefined, like ftin and ydftin. The full list is at § Output multiples.

  • {{convert|2|m|ftin}} → 2 m (6 ft 7 in)
  • {{convert|2|m|ft in}} → 2 m (6,6 ft; 79 in), using a space, returns the decimal point

Default behaviour, for comparison:

  • {{convert|2|m}} → 2 m (6 ft 7 in)

See also:

  • {{hands}} a length used to measure horses
  • {{Long ton}} a weight in ton, cwt, qr and lb

Currency per unit: $/mi → $/km

[uredi kodo]

Using currency symbols in a $ per unit value, you can convert the per-unit:

  • {{convert|10|$/mi|$/km}} → $10/mi ($6,2/km)

You can set the currency in both values using |$=€:

  • {{convert|10|$/mi|$/km|$=€}} → €10/mi (€6,2/km)

It is not possible to convert the currency. So, this result (mixed currencies) is not possible: $15 per mile (€8,6/km)

Rdeči XN

Uporaba pretvorb znotraj predlog

[uredi kodo]

For usage in template code, like infoboxes, {{Convert}} has these options:

Pre-formatting fraction input
Your template can accept |input=16 7/8 and use {{#invoke:Convert/helper|number|16 7/8}} → 16+7/8
Using a Wikidata property
  • Adding the Wikidata property code, like code |input=P2073, to your template code automatically returns the Wikidata property for that article, and convert it. Both number and unit are read.

Note: to return that property value for an other article, use |qid=.

Example for doseg vozila (P2073): Note: this example uses |qid=Q1056131 (testing for Cessna 208 Caravan (Q1056131))

  • {{convert|input=P2073|qid=Q1056131|ftin|abbr=on}} → 1.500 mi (7.920.000 ft 0 in)
  • {{convert|input=P2073|qid=Q1056131|km|abbr=on}} → 1.500 mi (2.400 km)
  • {{convert|input=P2073|qid=Q1056131|km|abbr=on|disp=out}} → 2.400 km
For example see template:Infobox Telescope.

Seznam parametrov

[uredi kodo]
Parameter Vrednost Opis Opomba
|abbr=in in Use symbol for first (left-hand side) unit Unit display
|abbr=off off Use name for all units Unit display
|abbr=none none
|abbr=on on Use symbol for all units Unit display
|abbr=out out Use symbol for right-hand side unit (default) Unit display
|abbr=unit unit Use symbol for all units when using scientific notation Unit display
|abbr=values values Omit both the input and output units: show only the numbers Unit display
|abbr=~ ~ Shows both unit name and symbol Unit display
|adj=mid|… mid User-specified text after the input unit; sets adj=on (adjective). Expects 1 unnamed parameter. Word adding, adjective
|adj=on on Unit name is adjective (singular and hyphenated) Grammar, adjective
|adj=pre|… pre User-specified text before input unit. Expects 1 unnamed parameter. Word adding
|adj=ri0 ri0 Round input with precision 0 Input precision
|adj=ri1 ri1 Round input with precision 1 Input precision
|adj=ri2 ri2 Round input with precision 2 Input precision
|adj=ri3 ri3 Round input with precision 3 Input precision
|comma=5 5 Only use comma for thousands separator if 5 or more digits Number format
|comma=gaps gaps Use gaps (space), not comma, for thousands separator Number format
|comma=off off No thousands separator Number format
|disp=b b Join input and output using " (...)" (default) Join values
|disp=sqbr sqbr Join input and output using " [...]" Join values
|disp=br br Join input and output using "<br/>" Join values
|disp=comma comma Join input and output using ", " Join values
|disp=or or Join input and output using " or " Join values
|disp=number number Display output number only Parts only
|disp=output number only output number only
|disp=out out Display only output number and name/symbol Parts only
|disp=output only output only
|disp=preunit|…[|…] preunit Text to be inserted after value and before units, for both input and output, with optionally different text for output. Expects 1 or 2 unnamed parameters. Word adding
|disp=table table Output is suitable for a table cell with align="right" Table columns
|disp=tablecen tablecen Output is suitable for a table cell with align="center" Table columns
|disp=unit unit Display input name/symbol only (not input number, not output) Parts only
|disp=unit2 unit2 Display output name/symbol only (not input; not output number) Parts only
|disp=x|… x Join input and output using user-specified text Word adding
|frac=N N Show imperial number in fractions, denominator=N Number format, fraction
|input=P2048 P2048 (e.g.) Reads and converts Wikidata property Inside template
|lk=in in Link left-hand side unit name or symbol Unit link
|lk=on on Link all unit names or symbols (but not twice for the same unit) Unit link
|lk=out out Link right-hand side unit name or symbol Unit link
|order=flip flip Inverts order of input, output measurements (conversion first) Order
|order=out out Displays output units in the order entered, skipping input unit Order
|qid=Q1056131 Q1056131 (e.g.) Reads Wikidata property from Wikidata item Inside template; testing
|round=5 5 Rounds calculation to the nearest multiple of 5 Output precision
|round=25 25 Rounds calculation to the nearest multiple of 25 Output precision
|round=each each In a range, each number is rounded by the default rounding Output precision
|sigfig=N N Round output number to N significant figures (N is a positive integer) Output precision
|sortable=on on Adds invisible sort key Table sort
|sp=us us Use U.S. spelling ("meter" instead of default "metre") Spelling U.S. names
|spell=in in Spell input number in words Spelling numbers
|spell=In In Spell input number in words with first letter uppercase Spelling numbers
|spell=on on Spell input and output numbers in words Spelling numbers
|spell=On On Spell input and output numbers in words with first letter uppercase Spelling numbers
|$=€ Replace $-sign with a currency sign, for example in $/acre (no currency conversion happens) Cost per unit
|debug=yes yes Debugging only. In a sortable table: show the normally hidden sort key Table sort

|| data-sort-value="flip" | flip

Deprecated. Use |order=flip Order

|| data-sort-value="" |

Deprecated. Use |adj= Plurals

Deprecated options

[uredi kodo]

Deprecated options should not be used. They may produce incorrect or undesired results and there is no guarantee that they will be supported in the future.

  • disp=flip is deprecated. Use order=flip instead
  • sing= is deprecated in any situation. Use adj= instead
  • Range separator |xx| is deprecated (not MOS compliant). Use |x| instead
  • Range separator |*| is deprecated (not MOS compliant). Use |x| instead


[uredi kodo]
To je dokumentacija TemplateData za predlogo, ki jo uporabljajo Vizualni urejevalnik in druga orodja; glejte mesečno poročilo o uporabi parametrov za to predlogo.

TemplateData za Cvt

Pretvori meritve v druge enote.

Parametri predloge[Urejanje podatkov predloge]

Za to predlogo se uporablja postavitev parametrov v eni vrstici.


Vrednost za pretvorbo.

Iz enote2

Enota za vpisano vrednost.

V enote3

Enote za izpisano vrednost. Za več izpisov enote ločite s presledkom. V izpisani enoti uporabite kot množitveni presledek znak +.

mi nmi
Natančnost ali pripona4

Pomembne številke po decimalni piki ali – v primeru negativnega števila – desetiški eksponent.

Povezane enotelk

Navedite, katere enote naj bodo povezane z vikipovezavami. Za vse uporabite »on«, za izpisano enoto uporabite »in«, če pa ne želite povezati nobene enote, uporabite »off«.


Prikaz enot: »on« za prikaz vseh enot s simboli za enoto. »off« za prikaz vseh enot s celo besedo, »in« za prikaz simbolov enot za vpisane enote, »out« za prikaz simbolov enot za izpisane enote, »unit« za prikaz simbolov enot za vpisane in izpisane enote ob uporabi znanstvenega zapisa, »values« za zapis brez enot (tj. brez simbolov enot in brez celih besed zanje).

on, unit, in, out, off

Črkovanje enot. Za zapis imen enot z ameriškim črkovanjem uporabite »us«.


Določite, ali naj se uporabi pridevniška oblika. Uporabite »on« za posamezno ime enote z vezajem, »mid« za pretvorbo na koncu ali »off« (privzeto) za zapis brez pridevniške oblike.


Prikaže rezultat pretvorbe: »or«: po ‘or’, »x«: s predpono in pripono po meri, »b«: v oklepajih, »table«/»tablecen«, »output only«: samostojno, »output number only«: samostojno in brez enote, »unit«: sploh ne, razen vhodne enote; če je vrednost številka, se uporabi kot natančnost.


»flip« najprej vrne pretvorjeno vrednost in nato vpisano vrednost.

Značilne števkesigfig

Navedite število značilnih števk za zaokroževanje.

Izpis zaokroževanjaround

Način zaokroževanja. »5« zaokroži izpisano število na najbližji večkratnik števila 5, »25« na najbližji večkratnik števila 25, »each« na vsako število v razponu.

Tisočiško ločilocomma

Nastavi ali odpravi uporabo tisočiškega ločila v številkah. »off«: brez ločila; »gaps«: kot tisočiško ločilo namesto vejice uporabi presledek; »5« in »gaps5«: tisočiško ločilo doda samo, če celoštevilčni del števila obsega 5 ali več mest (10.000 ali več; če je tisočiško ločilo pika, bi 1234 dalo »1234«, 12345 bi dalo »12.345«).

Razvrstilni ključsortable

»on« ustvari skrit razvrstilni ključ


brez opisa


brez opisa


ulomek kot zaokrožitvena enota

valutni simbol$

pri obeh enotah nastavi valutni simbol

$=€ bo prikazalo " €10 na miljo (€6.2/km)"

Glej tudi

[uredi kodo]